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I wanted to talk about something that has become important to me as of late, and that's the idea of motivation. Why do you create? Who are you creating for? At first it seems like a simple question. You would probably say that you were creating videos because it was fun. Or maybe that you want to become a "famous" Youtuber.

If what you're doing makes you happy then go for it--be the best you can be and don't let anyone stop you. (Unless you're hurting a bunch of people, then no bueno)

If you're creating in hopes that you're gonna become the next big thing then you really have to ask yourself is that the best way to go about this? Do you only care about the numbers? Do you only care about the number of subscribers that you have and not the actual subscribers?

There has to be a change in culture on Youtube.. One for the better.

My channel name is Ceyvion. I try and create content that makes me happy and maybe someone else. I don't create because I want to magically become this huge YouTuber. I'm content with making people happy.

I'll see you around on these forums or on my channel.

Welcome to the party,

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I enjoy it because it is simply fun to do. If I ever get bored of this or feel like I'm letting it completely control me, I'll either take a step back or leave all together. Making something and seeing others also like it (even if it's only like one other dude with me :P) feels awesome. Sure it would be awesome to become a major success, but even if I don't it's always fun for me to try to improve my self and see how I can make something better. If it helps someone along the way that's wonderful, if it doesn't I'm not going to let it get me down. s**t we do here is for fun yo!
I YouTube because it is super fun. I love the whole process of recording and editing. Plus I like interacting with other people and I can share my gaming with other people.