I wasn't prepared to go down this path today, but why not. Honestly, youtube got me through middle / high school. I had very few friends if any. Was made fun of a lot, beat up a lot, drama.. so much drama. Being the weird little outcast kid I was, I started going on the computer.. a lot. Eventually I got pretty good with computer (a little bit of programming, graphic design, gaming, ect). Then I launched my first Youtube channel, just making tutorials of some of the cool things I could do on a computer (like hacking my high score in a game).
All of the comments, messages, and just general approval I was receiving for my efforts really meant a lot to me. In fact, a fan of my original channel eventually reached out to me, I believe on skype. That was several years ago and I would now consider him my best friend, even though we've never actually met. I got out of High school, I got away from the horror it brought to my life and started working, going to college, and I didn't need Youtube as much anymore and ideas were getting harder. And until now I had been done with youtube (other than watching of course).
I have missed sharing my knowledge with others, I love video production, I love graphic design, I love making videos. So I had to come back. Thats why I am launching a new channel under a new name. I will alert my previous 4K subscribers through a video announcement, but I can't wait to start from scratch, with a new idea and new direction. This time because I have the ability to give back to youtube as it did to me.