YouTubers Make Too Much?

honestly i think he earned it. youtube fame doesn;t happen by chance or over night even if you have 1 viral video. either you have good content consistently or you don't. the thing with youtube is all of your subscribers can stop watching at any moment and you will be out of a job. that is a scary reality. so no i don't think it's too much. something could happen and his channel might not make any money at all in a couple years.
When people start bitching about people who definitely don't deserve their fame or money like the Kardashian whores, then I'll reconsider listening to them b***h and moan about youtubers "earning too much" Markiplier deserves every cent he gets, not just him but every other youtuber who busted their asses off and made it, I betcha a lot of people hating wished they would have started this youtube thing long before it became popular, they probably laughed and brushed youtube off because it had a small community, those who started youtube early I have mad respect for them, those who work their asses of I respect as well.
You should be paid in relevance to how much money to bring in.

If you bring in the big bucks for YouTube advertising space, you should be given a relative amount of moolah.
Over 10 million followers.. A celebrity. He makes 7-8 million a year. But look at other celebrities. He made it big and got there, he is a celebrity.
And like all celebrities he makes the big bux!
I think people get caught up in the idea of money being off of the surface level of Youtube. What I mean is that to the naked eye, it appears as though someone one turned on a camera, talked, and then they uploaded the video without problems but in actuality, making Youtube videos is hard work. It is even harder when you try make good videos.

There are some Youtubers that in fact make more than doctors but you have to think about what they are doing beyond Youtube. Many are striving for movies and television. Others are sponsored and get some revenue from sponsored work. Many have merchandise that they sell and they make money from that. It also takes time. Some of the biggest Youtubers took YEARS to get popular. An entry level doctor off rip makes close to 6 figures a year before seniority kicks in. Its more to it than meets the eye.
People who think YouTubers are paid too much should try it on their own to see which amount of work it means.
Hello everyone,

Do you think the biggest YouTubers get paid too much? I'm talking anyone from 1mil subscribers to Pewd's status.

There has been times where I see vloggers or gamers , and thought that but then when you compare it to what traditional media gets paid...

I think people that create films, more high production value comedy sketches, and web series might kinda get the worse end of the deal, because they could easily spend 3000-10000k just making one series or even one video, and even if they get 1 million views, that's probably not enough to cover the cost of production. That's why many people have gone to patreon.

What do you think about all of this?
i think big youtubers that create good content that takes effort and skill deserve their pay cheques, youtubers that produce formulaic content with no change in their videos or put no effort in their work i feel should have a lower pay. But this is Youtube and even the worst creators can make a living on rubbish.

But thats just me
but for the people that do spend the money most of the time they do it knowing they will get the return to cover the costs or even if they dont it looks good on a cv when you apply for other media jobs outside of youtube and they obviously enjoy doing it, its not always about the money and no youtubers dont get paid too much, they provide entertainment in all forms like on tv yet no one screams at the characters in breaking bad or someone like Jimmy Kimmel saying they are being paid too much and all they are providing is entertainment