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Active Member
As of yesterday I finally hit 100 subscribers, making me fully eligible to get a custom URL for my channel.

However when I go to do this - because youtube has changed the way they do things yet again, I cant get the username I want because apparently several other channels have it?

Yet I search on YouTube the url I am after and I get a 404 error message saying that page does not exist?

Has this happened to anyone else?
You have to remove the last letter in your Google+ name, and then try again.
You can't have the URL be the same as your Google+ name.
You have to remove the last letter in your Google+ name, and then try again.
You can't have the URL be the same as your Google+ name.
And later add the letter again ofcourse when they ask you to add any characters :)

There are some threads on this forum that explain this in more detail.
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