youtube url

  1. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    How To CHANGE YouTube Custom URL

    How To CHANGE YouTube Custom URL in 2018 - YouTube Custom URL 2017 & 2018 - You can Change YouTube Url & Get a Custom YouTube Channel URL Link to help boost online branding. The custom youtube channel name, custom youtube url is a feature you can unlock with a verified account at 100...
  2. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    How To CHOOSE YOUR OWN YouTube Custom URL in 2018 - Not The Auto Generated Custom Channel URL

    How To CHOOSE YOUR OWN YouTube Custom Channel URL in 2018 - Not The Auto Generated Channel URL // How To Change Channel URL and Get YouTube A Custom URL in 2018. The Custom URL for YouTube Channels can help you brand your channel. How to make a custom channel url is a topic I have made a video...
  3. DuncanT


    Hey guys! So I recently hit the almighty 100 subscribers! HOORAY! :D But with that also comes something I've been looking forward to for a long time. My own, custom little place on YouTube, my URL. But I've been struggling a lot with what to choose since it's a one and done kinda thing... ya...
  4. thejoelwilliamsphere

    YouTube URL Changes!

    As of yesterday I finally hit 100 subscribers, making me fully eligible to get a custom URL for my channel. However when I go to do this - because youtube has changed the way they do things yet again, I cant get the username I want because apparently several other channels have it? Yet I...