I am curious as to what you feel is inappropriate for kids. Youtube right now is king of kids content and has a responsibility as a leader in this field to only allow appropriate content. There are limits on what kids should be exposed to. Part of the reason that this inappropriate content was popular was because kids were getting to see stuff they couldn't find anywhere else. If you let kids watch rated R material, they will happily watch that as well. It was shocking, provocative, and not appropriate. It was amazing to me what my kids found on the youtube kids app. Youtube should vet every creator that wants to produce content considered kid friendly and have zero tolerance for those that don't follow the rules. Skit type videos can still survive on youtube, but the skits have to promote lawful activity that does NOT violate social norms. Kids content might be corny, but there is no way around it. If you want to make gross creative videos that promote unacceptable behavior then post away on youtube, but don't market to kids. I would even support youtube suspending ads for a six month period in the kids space and let the channels that produce content for more than just money come to the top.