YouTube is Removing Videos - Are You Affected?

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Another scandal is raising now but now it's not creators fault, or is it?
..pedophilic autofill search suggestion was appearing on YouTube over the weekend if the phrase “how to have” was typed into the search box.

On this, the YouTube spokesperson added: “Earlier today our teams were alerted to this profoundly disturbing autocomplete result and we worked to quickly remove it as soon as we were made aware. We are investigating this matter to determine what was behind the appearance of this autocompletion.”
One scandal gets managed, another appears. Advertisers won't be very happy about this.
The search suggestion is mostly on what people click when searching and for most searched phrases, so another big hit for YouTube and Google.
Do you by any chance have a high viewership in the UK, most of the ad boycotts happened in Britain to my understanding.

No, around 50‰ US audience on million plus sub channel[DOUBLEPOST=1511797787,1511797693][/DOUBLEPOST]
Do you by any chance have a high viewership in the UK, most of the ad boycotts happened in Britain to my understanding.

No, around 50‰ US audience on million plus sub channel

It could be a number of things though as you mentioned
Are there any Russian blogs/site where this is discussed? I don't have a Russian keyboard so can't really type search, but can certainly read and keep up to date....

It was mentioned in the translated videoconference with AIR and the Youtube staff I posted previously:

"We do not forbid you from dressing up as characters, but it must be safe for children. If the content is inappropriate for kids, it can get blocked."
We requested review and we got the same message on our status. I was wondering if anyone had a success. The reply we received is very generic and does no make any sense. It seems that all the smaller channels are getting the hit.
I was discussing this with of my friend. He told me that you know when big folks does something that is a trend and their videos are cute. They will always get a second chance and their website will not be disable for monitization. On the other hand when smaller channels will do the same thing. They will be banned/demonetized and their videos will be deleted to make it a lesson for others.
We requested review and we got the same message on our status. I was wondering if anyone had a success. The reply we received is very generic and does no make any sense. It seems that all the smaller channels are getting the hit.

I'm having a really bad feeling about it. The taro card reading last night... I won't go into it but it doesn't look good, and the tea leaves this morning... let's just say I'm updating my resume...
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Youtube has let this go on for far too long. Youtube has been contacted by decent family content creators for well over a year now and refused to take action. Even youtube reps would acknowledge on the phone the problem, but nothing was ever done. Now because Youtube ignored all of the creators that complained about the inappropriate content for well over a year, they have to go into panic mode and now everybody is getting hit. Now suddenly a child in a bathing suit is considered inappropriate. I do not feel the least bit sorry for some of these kid channels that could have resisted the trends, but instead went 100% into the dark for profit. Now that action is finally being taken, we will see if Youtube will get it right. I do however believe that print media is motivated by money and not strong morals in bringing this to light. Youtube needs to hurry up with new guidelines and actually enforce the guidelines going forward. The lack of transparency by Youtube is beyond ridiculous, but then again without them none of this would have been possible, so it is their world to run. Everyone is taking a big hit and unfortunately it is at a time where ads pay the best, but if that is the price to finally purge the inappropriate content then it is a price worth paying.
I'm having a really bad feeling about it. The taro card reading last night... I won't go into it but it doesn't look good, and the tea leaves this morning... let's just say I'm updating my resume...
Have you kept uploading or just holding off until some light is shed?
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