just Moto
I Love YTtalk
Last laptop I had took up 8 hours to render a 5-8 minute video on Premiere Pro, with 2 dedicated table fans trained on it to stop it from overheating!
So I figure I would need a pretty decked out laptop with 2G dedicated graphics card, 32G RAM, latest processor to render videos. These things run into the $3k on ebay. Gotta penny pinch now mate, don't know what the future will bring. Last thing I would want is to run out of savings and go knocking on Centrelink.
Yeah man, I understand. Hopefully it's sorted out soon enough. I'm still waiting to see if another boycott kicks in this week or today.
For future reference... current laptops will export 10-15 minute 1-1.5gb 1080 60fps edits in 15 - 25 mins! $1.8k - $4K+ depending. It can wait like you said though.