What am I doing wrong? Channel not growing as expected

Hey man I checked check your channel out and your videos seem to be a really nice quality which is good to see :D I noticed you play a lot of Rainbow six, unfortunately I don't know too much about that games but maybe try mix it up a bit and play some other games too? Maybe that might attract more people? You seem to have a few active subscribers too that always comment on your videos which is good to see :D
i feel like you going to have to do the tough work by promoting yourself a different way and continue to put in hard work because it wont happen overnight
That's true I will try my best.
You know man we need more youtubers like you that put effort into videos, besides all this click bait, but anyway look man this is 2017 12 years after YouTube became a thing. A lot of big YouTubers started out like you back in 2011, 2012 or something, and it was easier for them cause their weren't as many youtubers around.

But YouTube is like a box of chocolates you never know what you'll get. On one video you could get 10,000 views on another 3 views it's so random. I started YouTube in 2015 and I had an old channel and look at me. Sure I don't post that much, but still. We all have to start somewhere and the earlier you started YouTube the easier it'll be. But I know how hard it is man, but life has its cons and pros. Just keep on trying and soon you'll become a success. I wish you luck with your YouTube career
Thank you a lot for the complements You really made me happy, and I am sorry for this late Reply as I did not get notified. I don't want to clickbait, and I hope I don't have to. But REALLY Thank you for your reply, It gave me hope =]

Hey man I checked check your channel out and your videos seem to be a really nice quality which is good to see :D I noticed you play a lot of Rainbow six, unfortunately I don't know too much about that games but maybe try mix it up a bit and play some other games too? Maybe that might attract more people? You seem to have a few active subscribers too that always comment on your videos which is good to see :D
Thank you a lot. Yeah I do play a lot of Rainbow Six Siege, I play other games beside that, Like OverWatch MineCraft, but I feel Overwatch is TOO Repetetive and MineCraft is not really getting anything new. Which games do you suggest?

This question is too All of you: I see a lot of popular YouTubers use one of their clips in the video as a thumbnail, something insane and attracts people, they tend to hide it somewhere late in the video to kinda force you into watching it all. Should I do the same? I normally put the clip at the very beginning. And thanks for ALL Replies! =]
Hello there! I am Abdullahx9000.

So I am doing YouTube as a Hobby and spend quite a lot of time on it. But I don't seem to grow fast. I started doing YouTube over a year ago, and now I have around 500 subscribers and around 80k total views. I am getting around 100 views on every video, but I feel i deserve more. I spend hours and hours editing a single video, making it look smooth and funny. Other youtubers seem to do no editing at all and gets a lot of exposure I could use some help from you guys, it is VERY appreciated. So I really hope you guys can check out my channel and tell me what I am missing/could do better.
YouTube Channel: Abdullahx9000 (It wont let me put a link here)

I feel you bro. I feel you

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I have to agree with some of the above comments. If you ever want to elevate yourself to the big league, you're gonna have to make some changes. Your content isn't bad at all. But it's just more of what hundreds of thousands of other channels are already doing. The YouTube gaming community is already really over-saturated and you've got to do something that makes you stand out above the rest. Maybe you could add a comedic spin to your videos or edit them in a more unique way. It's not to late and you definitely have the potential. Remember that there are plenty of us in this community that are willing to help. All the best mate! :)
I have to agree with some of the above comments. If you ever want to elevate yourself to the big league, you're gonna have to make some changes. Your content isn't bad at all. But it's just more of what hundreds of thousands of other channels are already doing. The YouTube gaming community is already really over-saturated and you've got to do something that makes you stand out above the rest. Maybe you could add a comedic spin to your videos or edit them in a more unique way. It's not to late and you definitely have the potential. Remember that there are plenty of us in this community that are willing to help. All the best mate! :)
Aha. I understand. Thank you a lot for helping, I really appreciate that! =]
No problem at all. If you ever want to discuss possible video ideas or concepts don't hesitate to message me
Thank you a lot. I think I might do more of editing and Gameplay. So for example, Well edit montages and ETC. I really hope it works =] Quick Question: "How does my Voice sound like?" Its a weird Question, but I would love to know. Is it good, bad, Deep, Light and ETC. That would be a LOT Of help. YouTube Channel is Abdullahx9000, watch a video and please tell me. Thank you once again!
And also thanks to everybody Helping me, Love you ALL!
Thank you a lot. I think I might do more of editing and Gameplay. So for example, Well edit montages and ETC. I really hope it works =] Quick Question: "How does my Voice sound like?" Its a weird Question, but I would love to know. Is it good, bad, Deep, Light and ETC. That would be a LOT Of help. YouTube Channel is Abdullahx9000, watch a video and please tell me. Thank you once again!
And also thanks to everybody Helping me, Love you ALL!

Do you mean how does your actual voice sound overall or are you more referring to the recording? I think your voice sounds perfectly fine. The audio was slightly echoey at parts but that's just me nitpicking as a fellow content creator. Not anything that'll bother or deter your viewers. Hell, my audio is slightly echoey like half the time, lol
Do you mean how does your actual voice sound overall or are you more referring to the recording? I think your voice sounds perfectly fine. The audio was slightly echoey at parts but that's just me nitpicking as a fellow content creator. Not anything that'll bother or deter your viewers. Hell, my audio is slightly echoey like half the time, lol
Yes I mean my voice in General. I really hope us small YouTubers grow much bigger. Thank you a tons for all the help man, I am Really happy for that. Good Luck on your Channel aswell!