500 subs

  1. ShawnMcCallum

    500 Subs!!

    I hit a big milestone today of 500 subs! Happy to see the growth and share this milestone with the YT Community. Here's hoping the journey to 1000 doesn't take nearly as long!
  2. Mobileidiotgamer

    Gaming Looking for anything

    Hey, I've got about 500+ Subs on YouTube and, even though I haven't posted on this website in forever, I'm looking for some people to f**k around and play games with. I've got Stardew Valley, MC, GMod, Terraria, Dead By Daylight, and a lot other games to mess around with. Don't care about...
  3. GrannyGamer

    1/2 Way to Monetisation! 500 Subs in 3 Months :)

    Hey guys, I'm really happy here, it's a couple of days over 3 months since starting my channel and I'm at 500 subs :bounce: I'm super excited!!!
  4. Eve Hemingway


    I'm soooo happy to announce that this weekend I reached 500 subscribers! My aim for the end of the year is to reach 1000. I must say though that the hardest goal was reaching 100 as this took me a few months so I think my goal is attainable (hopefully)
  5. A

    500 subscribers!!

    Wow! I can't believe I have 500 subscribers!!! 500 People in one room listening to my music would make me freaking anxious LOL! Thanks everyone so much!! Onwards to 1000!
  6. Anthony Dufell

    Breaking the Big 500

    So a two weeks ago I crushed 500 subscribers and now I well on my way to 600! I just want to say thank you to TYtalk, Youtube, and both the amazing communities. Without any of this AMAZING support, it would NEVER be possible! I do this to better myself, and also provided world class...
  7. Abdullahx9000

    What am I doing wrong? Channel not growing as expected

    Hello there! I am Abdullahx9000. So I am doing YouTube as a Hobby and spend quite a lot of time on it. But I don't seem to grow fast. I started doing YouTube over a year ago, and now I have around 500 subscribers and around 80k total views. I am getting around 100 views on every video, but I...
  8. T

    500 Subscribers!

    After being stuck at 200 for a while I'm finally growing every day! I've now reached 500 and now it's off to 1000! I'm a YouTuber/filmmaker of 8 years and I'm very dedicated to my craft! I'm so happy and proud and can't wait to continue my efforts!
  9. Christoverse

    500 Subs! :)

    I hit 500 subs a bit ago after a year of posting, and I find that continuing to add fresh content consistently helps! Thank you for your awesome support thus far yttalk friends :)
  10. saser25


    Is exonia a good network to partner with? I am 360 subscribers away from 500, and I want to partner with a network at 500 subs. Ive heard that Exonia can be good because it is a small network but Im not sure.
  11. Aresteele

    500 Subs! My second official Milestone!

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to celebrate my achievement of reaching 500 subs! It's been a long time coming for me since it's incredibly hard to get noticed. But if any of you from here have subbed to me, I just want to say thank you for the support! I'm looking forward to building my channel...
  12. Jonatan Moser

    Half a thousand subs!!!

    Yaaassss, milestones keep coming in at the moment... Latest is my sub count hitting 500! It actually happened on Christmas eve, and now It's already on 510 :-D Can't wait for my new camera to arrive so that I can stop using my cell for video recording... Anyway, Merry Christmas! :-D
  13. Rectrixx

    I just hit 500 subs!!!

    I just reached 500 subs on YouTube! Thanks!
  14. Dr.Whatever

    Other Looking for channels to collab with or put in recommended list!

    I'm a advice channel. Typically for couples and singles advice but I give a range of advice. My channel's motto is It's Whatever, No, It's Dr.Whatever. In my channel I game a bit and make some skits. Honestly, It doesn't have to be that involved we could just shamelessly plug each other for...
  15. A

    Recently Hit 500+ Subs - Made a Thank You Video!

    Hi everyone here at Yttalk! I wanted to share that our channel recently passed 500 subscribers. It took a while to get here, and we are so happy to have reached this milestone! I am so thankful to everyone who has taken the time to visit our channel, watch our videos, subscribe to our...
  16. M. B. Harkins

    500 Subscribers!!! :O

    I randomly gained 55 new subscribers and 24 new comments overnight, and surpassed my 500 subscriber goal, and just wanted to say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! I am so overwhelmed right now. I definitely have to make a video now to say thank you!!! I have so many different ideas and am so excited to...
  17. Elmarthor

    My goals for 2016!

    Hey guys, I've decided to make my own goal!, my goal is right now 500, and if i dont get it i hope i get really close to it. Btw im new at the community, and i will be really active. - Just in case you want to see my channel ;) If you dont find my channel, this is the logo!
  18. Happybird

    Gaming PC (Comedy) Gaming colab

    Hello everyone hope you meet the requirements so we can help each other out!! :) Requirments Collab: •14+ (kinda mature) •must upload frequently •decent mic (No s****y background) •ONLY PC games!!! -looking for youtubers around the 400 sub count (min 300 sub) Willing to play pc games not sure...
  19. CLY

    500 Subs in 1 Month!

    Hey guys :) I've finally reached 500 subs for my channel! I'm really happy at the moment! Can't wait to see what unfolds in the coming month!
  20. darkstarmedia


    My goal for this year is to reach 1,000 subscribers and to already be halfway there in March is seriously incredible, so thank you to everyone who clicked the special red button and gave me a chance. I know educational content isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I'm really thankful to every person...
  21. ChasetotheFinish

    Gaming Long Term Xbox 360 GTA Online Colab (roleplays and More!)

    Hi I am a GTA Youtuber and I post Content every Tues. Weds. and Fri. If you play GTA V On the XBOX 360 and would love to be in my videos all you need it 200subs Min and be at least 14yrs old. I am excepting everyone that can fit in this crew! http:/ /socialclub. rockstargames .com/ crew/...
  22. DenRic Denise

    Finally 500 Subs

    I finally got my 500 subscribers and it is still counting. Right now I have 519 subscribers, hopefully this month it will be 1K. :wavespin: