
New Member
Hi! I'm planning on starting up my vlog channel soon but I don't have any ideas! Does anyone have any? If so, please reply with any you might have! It would help a lot!
You could ease into it by maybe making a day in the life (like what you do on a typical day) or go do something exciting and vlog that adventure (hike?).
You could ease into it by maybe making a day in the life (like what you do on a typical day) or go do something exciting and vlog that adventure (hike?).
I just want to sit in front of the camera and talk about a subject. That kind of vlog. Do you have any ideas for something like that?
Maybe sit down and draw up a list of topics / activities you're interested in first, then do a few practive videos to get a feel for each one then go with whatever you enjoy the most! Can't hurt to ask your friends and family what they think too!

Either way, good luck!
What excites you? Do that stuff. The viewers of youtube love excitement..doesn't matter what you're doing. You could take a dump excited and people will be like OMG LOOK AT THIS lol
In the greatest of respects, If you have nothing interesting to do or say, please take up a hobby or something to make vlogs more interesting ^^