Merlina Rodas

I've Got It
Hello YTers, I started my channel about 6 months ago and had some personal issues that prevented me from posting anything until now. I got comments asking for new videos and now that I am able to get back into it, I decided to make a short one minute "update" video telling my few subscribers what to expect in the coming weeks... Do you think little update videos like this are necessary or should I just post my normal videos?
I think they're necessary personally. Updating your audience is always important and it makes them feel more connected to you since they know what is going on. Just make sure you don't update for every small change because eventually, people stop caring. You can always use other outlets like Twitter for the small stuff, for example, if I miss an upload I'll prewarn on Twitter. I try to keep it to only 1 update video allowed every 2-3 months.
I'd agree. If it's the first update video you have it could be helpful and let's your viewers know that you care! However try to keep the video short. Unless I have been subscribed to someone for a long time, I don't want to hear a 20 minute update video.
I'd agree. If it's the first update video you have it could be helpful and let's your viewers know that you care! However try to keep the video short. Unless I have been subscribed to someone for a long time, I don't want to hear a 20 minute update video.
Makes sense... this last one was about a minute long just to thank my viewers for not unsubscribing during the time I was away and to let them know I'd be posting very soon. Thanks for the feedback!
As some one who watches tons of vids - yes please do that...

Keep them posted with even 1 minute explanations.

Not only make a video but also make a short post to your other media - twitter, FB, etc.
I don't think it is necessary to do one, but I would recommend it. Recently a channel I subscribed to a while ago posted their first video in I don't know how long and it wasn't at all related to their previous videos. I had to think for a minute why I subscribed to them. If I had a brief update video first, it would've let me know what to expect video wise.