Tips: Increasing Subs & Views Fast

Just wrote a post about this strategy in the strategy section of this forum for more details about the steps i use to rank my videos here is the link / threads/video-seo-how-i-rank-my-videos-on-youtube.256719/
Hope this clears things out about this method
I find that using the "schedule" function helps out a bit. I've only got 94 subs myself and average about 30-50 views every time that I upload.
I envision that my most rabid fans are checking in at my pre determined upload time waiting for my latest video (they aren't lol but it helps you maintain a consistent upload schedule without struggling to get the video out by a predetermined deadline. )
I find that using the "schedule" function helps out a bit. I've only got 94 subs myself and average about 30-50 views every time that I upload.
I envision that my most rabid fans are checking in at my pre-determined upload time waiting for my latest video (they aren't lol but it helps you maintain a consistent upload schedule without struggling to get the video out by a predetermined deadline. )

That makes the whole process even better. I do schedule my post. Twice a week...using this system together with scheduling really makes things much easier. You are free with some of the pressure of growing your channel while creating time for other day to day en-devours.

The video about "Who is The Rabid Gorilla" got me going on your channel that is some creativity.Thxs for that
Thanks, you should check out my "d**k pics" video while you're there.
Ironically, I'm not uploading much at all these days because I'm working on a whole new series that i hope to launch before summer[DOUBLEPOST=1490893601,1490893389][/DOUBLEPOST]Also this just happened. I'll be tuning in


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Thanks, you should check out my "d**k pics" video while you're there.
Ironically, I'm not uploading much at all these days because I'm working on a whole new series that i hope to launch before summer[DOUBLEPOST=1490893601,1490893389][/DOUBLEPOST]Also this just happened. I'll be tuning in

will be waiting to see what you have installed for summer for us....
Share your videos targeted, I usually make a list where I can Advertise My videos, Reddut is a great place for that!
Be careful in reddit they have strict rules so do not spam[DOUBLEPOST=1490917654,1490917073][/DOUBLEPOST]We haven't had luck in reddit because iur channel is toys and kids related. We already have 60+ videos but we are still not peaking up in views and subscribers. We are also using tubebuddy for tagging but still no luck, don't know what is wrong with our videos
I've been trying to do research on this as well since I started my new channel. I've read that putting keywords at the beginning of titles helps them rank a little better. Making longer videos helps too. Because "watch time" is such a big factor in determining channel growth
Really? While watch time is important, I always worry that having long videos will cause me to lose the audience, everyone has such a short attention span and its so easy to just click away.. (note, the majority of my videos are avg 10min)