Sub 4 sub problem and other stuff...

Just think of the sub 4 sub guys as a means to an end. When your channel is in it's infancy, they can boost your videos with extra views, likes and comments. However, they are obviously not going to benefit you long-term. I've seen channels that have thousands of subscribers, but their videos still only get <100 views. Commenting on other peoples videos can get you short term benefits such as likes and subscribers, but it encourages the sub 4 sub mentality in my opinion. The best type of promotion you should focus is on, is external to YouTube. Anyone that has their own channel is likely only really interested in growing their own subscriber base. Promoting your videos on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms will help you get the type of subscribers you want. It's a much slower process, but overall it will be far better for you. I hope that helps...

It is truly slow, but I will keep going anyway. ^^ Thank you for the was really helpful
If you aren't intressted in their content and got no plans to watching their videos the best thing you can do is to not subscribe back. Cause if people sub to a channel and don't watch their content it will harm the channel in the long run. So for their own best don't do it.