I have to admit, I'm a complete social media noob. I only have a Facebook profile and I barely do anything with it. However, having a social media presence can be good for your channel. So, OK, I guess I can make a Facebook page and a Twitter account for my channel, but I come to the question "What should I post BESIDES channel updates and new videos?" You have to have to be able to offer small, additional things, that would get people interested. My channel mostly focuses around retro games (there will be other stuff in the future), so I should be covered, considering how saturated gaming is on the internet, but I have zero competence in this field. When examining how more successful youtubers handle this, I see that most of the time they're having some kind of conversation with other people (mostly other youtubers), post (or re-post) something interesting, and they do it almost every day. I don't have time to look for something or make something up to post every day! How do people even do this?
OK, I'm rambling now. I just need some directions here. I've read the various sticky threads about this, but they don't seem to help much. Another problem is advertising your videos on various Facebook pages. How do you do that, without coming off as aggressive? I remember one user sneaking in an advertisement for their Lootcrate unboxing videos on the Lootcrate Facebook page by thanking them for the service or whatever, but how would you do this on a fan-page of a certain game, and the thing you're advertising is a review of it?
This all may seem annoying to you, but I hope someone can give me some advice.

When you buy a game post a photo of the box. Something channel related that probably gives people a glimpse of the things that are about to come.
I've been having a bunch of success with a George Twitter account (for my character George the Self Esteem Cat). He's a funny guy and talks about how to have good self-esteem, so I do a couple of small jokes per day, as well as a couple of self-esteem tips and tricks. I also make sure to interact with the people I've connected to and who have connected to me, just liking and commenting on their posts.

It seems to be helping. Mostly, it's being sincere and making sure the only thing you do isn't just say, "Hey, new video!" because that will seem too self-serving.
Facebook is a one way street. People need to like your content and page to be exposed to it.
It is good if you are a bigger channel I suppose. Sometime your facebook followers will share your posts which gets you a bigger audience but that never results in more subs (for me anyway)just more views.

Twitter you can be a bit more direct. If your video has a specific talking point like say an election, you can search for the most relevant hash tag and include that in your post.

I did a video about a month ago featuring Australian politicians, people are still finding my video via the hashtag I used and liking the tweet.

The best success I ever had though was 2 videos on Reddit went really well with promotion. 2 weeks in a row - 4x my normal veiws and doubled my subscribers.

The last 2 weeks I have not been able to replicate it though.
Even if you don't necessarily have a photo, or anything truly interesting to share, make sure you are posting as a person, not just a page. I pretty much avoid using my personal Facebook anymore and just post things I'm excited about on our social pages. Sharing something I find from a movie site, reddit, gaming sites, and giving a brief opinion on certain movies, tv shows, games, etc. It opens up the opportunity to share interests and your subscribers and people who follow you will see that you are a real person with interests, rather than only just posting links to your videos.
If your video has a specific talking point like say an election, you can search for the most relevant hash tag and include that in your post.
That would work, I guess. Although I fear that relevancy and trending stuff is outside the boundaries of a channel mostly based around retro game reviews. It just happens so that I'm not interested in a lot of new stuff. This could be used in other ways. For example, Captain America: Civil War is coming out soon, maybe I can review an obscure Captain America game or something and use any related hashtags, when posting about the video on Twitter.

How do you know? I have more feedback on such posts than on my video promotion and after all it's still better than posting nothing.
Well, I will still post stuff like that, I guess. It's just that I overreacted, when seeing just this answer, when I had so many other questions. Sorry about that.

Even if you don't necessarily have a photo, or anything truly interesting to share, make sure you are posting as a person, not just a page. I pretty much avoid using my personal Facebook anymore and just post things I'm excited about on our social pages. Sharing something I find from a movie site, reddit, gaming sites, and giving a brief opinion on certain movies, tv shows, games, etc. It opens up the opportunity to share interests and your subscribers and people who follow you will see that you are a real person with interests, rather than only just posting links to your videos.
True, that could work. Although time can still be an issue. Browsing sites will more or less become important. It also doesn't help that when I'm just relaxing, I only really spend time on YouTube and watching... other reviewers' content. I always feel like I should be spending more time working on videos and that's true, in a way.

*edit: Another thing came up... How do you attract new people, in the first place? Besides adding the old "You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter" line at the end of the videos, the only other way I know of is telling your friends or the people at various forums you're a member of. But there doesn't seem to be much of a point, considering they wouldn't recommend me or my channel, mostly because they don't know anybody to recommend it to. Where and how can you promote your stuff, without making it feel aggressive?
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Sorry to bump this thread, but I would like to hear your advice about what I said in the *edit of the previous post. The information you might provide may be very useful to me.

I know where your coming from with the whole social media aspect of it. You sometimes wonder where they get the time to do all of this but theyv been doing it a while and have managed to get their time management on point.

In regards to social media Twitter has to be your best best to create more of a fan-base and following compared to Facebook. Handling your Twitter is another thing, you don't need to constantly post and you dont always need to talk about your channel. Talk about you here and there, what your doing, how you feel.

I personally post my Twitter name but only really ever use it for personal use I don't plan on doing anything major on Twitter until I get a larger following to interact and speak with but the option to follow me is there.

You'll get the hang of it eventually man :)