Petition to Google to kill Adblock (Don't hate me for this)

Oh, I do not think anyone could say Adblock is not wrong. However, most people do not care (no offense, but myself included).

Companies post way too many ads on their sites for people to enjoy them. If they could figure out how to make advertisements not load heavy and buggy, then people might decide to put them on the whitelist for Adblock. However, website companies and owners need to change as well. They abuse advertisements to an extreme, and these advertisements are super laggy and load heavy.

If they were simply link images, there would probably be no problem. However, now and days, they are too many advertisements. Youtube, for example, used to have just ads in the beginning of videos for like 5-15 seconds. Not too bad. However, now there are sometimes ones in between videos (multiple times even), 30 second, no skip videos, and those pesky popups during videos. It is just way too much.
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Needless to say, no need to go to extremes I was just simply displaying my feelings on the matter. It's not just that I lose on ad revenue but I also lose on product marketing due to Adblock.

1. What percentage the adblock users represent of the overall internet users? if you open google to verify that, your argument is not based on research.
2. are they your target audience? would they bother with your ads in the first place?
3. I use adblock on most of my machines. Content creators and I understand that I am not a part of the ad system. But! what would happen if the adblock is gone? Should i leave a negative yelp review for every site that offends me? Its not taking to long to copy paste some negativity
My issue with this kind of thread is that the people who already know that adblock exists have already formed their opinion about it and you're not going to change their mind about it (whether they are for or against it) and for the people who don't know about adblock (yes, there are people who don't know about it - new users to the internet and people who are less technically-minded than yourself), then all you are doing is drawing attention to it and potentially making the problem worse. This is a classic example of the "Streisand effect" -

I do agree with the sentiment of your thread though but I'm sure that the engineers at Google have already worked extensively on this and are close to a solution if they haven't already found one. :)

I use adblock on most of my machines. Content creators and I understand that I am not a part of the ad system.

I noticed that you have monetized your videos on your channel. So what you basically mean is that you want to earn money as a creator, but you don't want other creators to earn money. Why are you making Youtube videos? Why do you want to grow your channel? Why did you start your "business blog" I doubt you're doing all that work for charity right? :rolleyes:

When you say " content creators understand I'm not part of the ad system" - This is a load of rubbish. You make it sound as though you've asked them for permission to watch their content for free without contributing at all for their work and that they have said "sure fine go ahead !" - But that's not the case is it? You're just trying to justify your hypocrisy. And lol at "I'm not part of the system" but still monetizing your videos. SMH

YouTube's main business model is very simple. Creators get paid through ad revenue and in return, viewers get "free" content. If everyone blocked ads, creators would stop creating, YouTube would be making huge losses and the site would shut down. So not only are you a hypocrite, you are also very selfish.

By blocking ads on other channels but monetizing your own vids, you're essentially saying "f**k you" to all other creators. Why are you even here on YTtalk? Do you think that other creators will want to help you to grow your channel?! You've just lost any credibilty as a creator. Don't expect any help from me or anyone else here on YTtalk.
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the argument is wrong from the start, if you block mary's ad' then mary did not pay for it.
mary only pays when you view the ad' so if you have blocked the ad' then that's it.

unlike a television ad' where they pay for airtime, they don't know if you walk away from the tv during ads, so the advertiser is paying for it to be on your tv but your in the kitchen making pancakes.

mary is only paying when someone sees the ad' and adblock has been around for long enough for mary to realise this, mary is doing just fine because the ads' she pays for are to people that want to see the ad'

But yes, I do not like adblock, especially if your a publisher using adblock for other video's you watch yet you want the revenue from your own vid's, like #Crown mentions, it really is selfish and hypocritical
I'm afraid to even start the thread, but hoping a connected person may read this or someone who can down the line pass this to someone who can actually take the idea to fruition.

What is Adblock and what is its affect?

Adblock is an extension to a browser or a third-party script that defines the ad servers from ad serving services such as Google in this example and blocks the ad initiation on videos and websites, it creates an ad-free experience for a user that is enjoyable in a sense they don't have to sift through pesky ads and watch cluttered content with designers sticking ad banners all over their blogs, sites and other web real estate.

Positive Impact:

Adblock's positive impact is solely for the user, the user who installs and enjoys a "commercial free" internet.

Negative Impact:

Adblock's negative impact is on both sides of the advertiser (and ad server 'eg: Google') and the benefactor who collects commission or revenue from displaying the ad to his or her audience.

Say Mary has a small shop and is advertising her products, she invests in an ad auction a $2.00/per click ad to gain some customers who see her ad. Due to adblock, most of Mary's ads are not even showing to her target audience, in fact only 6 out of 10 people even see her ad if not less. Mary's advertising efforts has now gone down, losing patience and customers; not understanding why her products which she has paid advertising for are not bringing in customers.

At the same time, John; who is putting the Ad code on his YT videos and his web site; notices a drastic drop in his ad revenue because no one is clicking on Mary's ads. Mary didn't spent that $2.00 for a click on John's site or video, and John never got a cut from the click because the ad was never displayed.

Both Mary and John are hurting due the impact of Adblock. The economic bubble is now cut short by users circumventing the advertising game for their leisure.

Mary see's very low CTR and conversions, she either pulls her ad out all together or reduces her CPC (cost per click) and wings it, hoping someone will eventually click her ad and convert to a sale. This results in an even lower cut for John, who is working hard on getting more views on his videos and more hits on his website.

Debate whether it is wrong, or it isn't?

Of course users have freedoms, and one of those freedoms is to not want to see ads. Instead of having an opt out version (such as Youtube Red's $10/mo sub fee) they choose to utilize Adblock to all together say bye-bye to these ads, why do we care about Mary's product and why do we care about John's effort to sell Mary's product by showing her ads to collect a cut from a click?.

We all know we are entitled to freedom of not having ads on our screen, but at the same time what do terms of use and end user agreements say about this? A company that serves ads surely can 'force' the user legally not to temper with its technology can't it? Technically it is a breach of terms if you think about it, is it not?

This is quite a debate, and so far nothing has been done to stop it.

Why should Adblock be killed of?

In my personal view, from a business stand point as well referencing my above fake John and Mary; Mary is suffering; John is suffering (by suffering I mean loss of income, loss of interest, loss of growth and of course loss of reward for hard work on both ends). Ultimately the ad serving company hurts the most taking a financial hit because their product, or service; is being completely intercepted by technology almost making it obsolete for most users. Adblock is now an extension on Chrome, IE, Firefox and a slew of serving mediums.

Where a user has benefited from not seeing an ad, at the same time three parties has a loss of interest; John, Mary and the ad serving company. The trickle down impact over 1000's of Mary's and John's causes a major gap in the ad industry for both producer and earner.

How can Adblock be killed?

Now we all know Google is a giant in the tech space, there are various ways in which Adblock can become a thing of the past especially with this company.

It can be entered in the EULA / Terms of Services that a party cannot engage in blocking ads as it is a breach of service offered by the ad serving company.

The extension can become unsupported and ultimately fail and no longer be usable in browsers, this can be done via changing the code of how the extensions interact with the browser; and ultimately taken off the add-on gallery as a whole (but this hurts our freedoms, back to the debate)

The real solution

Adblock works by intercepting ad serving URLs, for example all content served by are blocked because is added to a blacklist which causes the ad and its tags to not appear on the serving medium, whether it be video or a website.

By creating a rotating ad serving DNS, that changes on every load of an ad; with each visit if the ad serv url was something such as and the next hit to change to ads2b1a3c and so forth using a combo of alphanumeric links; because of its unpredictable nature it may not able to be blocked by any adblocker. This also includes changing the tags or backend code which calls the ad to display, almost forcing the ad come out of a whole new source each time.

If this was happening, Mary's ad would be shown on John's page, a user seeing it with interest may click it; now Mary pays $2.00 to Google and Google pays John .15 cents for his participation in bringing the user to see the ad and click on it to begin with.

Investing in such technology will save the ad space market for everyone.

In addition, the option to 'X' out an ad, or skip an ad; is a very powerful tool in maintaining our freedoms to choose not to see an ad instead of using Adblock.


This is my opinion, solely my opinion; if I could have someone at YT or Google see this and say "hey he might have a good idea" than my post has succeeded in my intention. I hope Adblock users won't fill p****d about it, but in reality Adblock is hurting MANY people. I just decided hey, why not voice my opinion on it.

I appreciate you reading my post. :)

Thanks for the discussion about this vital issue, Is it harmful for adsense users.
I noticed that you have monetized your videos on your channel. So what you basically mean is that you want to earn money as a creator, but you don't want other creators to earn money. Why are you making Youtube videos? Why do you want to grow your channel? Why did you start your "business blog" I doubt you're doing all that work for charity right? :rolleyes:

I have monetized indeed. The system is inclined to rank the ones that do, higher.
wit this in mind, i'm not holding anything against the ad blocker's. I prefer many views without $ over few views with actual earnings.

Youtubers have multiple ways to monetize their channel most of them more profitable than ads.
Those that do want to earn from ads only usually create niches with overoptimized content without any value. Gateway sites and 1 minute reviews on products are flooding the net because of that.
People should not be forced to watch ads and deal with pop-ups and stuff like that just because John and Mary want me to buy their stuff, we're already born into a system where we're forced to go to school and make money so we can buy things and make other people rich, anyways.
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Kill adblockers? What do you want to kill next? Filesharing? Or cracks? :D

Oh, and on getting everything for "free" on the Internet: My monthly Internet bills say otherwise.