People who upload wayy too much

Yea, I hate it , they are just like Tyrone Magnus. I remember one morning i woke up , and my subscriber feedback was like this : Tyron Magnus 1 hour ago, Tyrone Magnus 55 minutes ago, Tyrone Magnus 20 minutes ago, Tyrone Magnus 10 minutes ago, and for that, i unsubbed right away.
50 videos in one week is insane and out of range. It just means that they upload videos which some of them does not add any value to the YOUTUBE network. Quality is better than quantity.
50 videos in one week is insane and out of range. It just means that they upload videos which some of them does not add any value to the YOUTUBE network. Quality is better than quantity.
Do you know TYT ? This post suggests you don't...
TYT is a News Network, and just like the NY Times publish a articel to every relevant topic news channels on YT publish a video about it.
Makes sense
Does anyone else feel that some people on YouTube upload wayy too much in one day?

I love The Young Turks don't get me wrong, but 10 videos in the same day?? Really? that adds up to 50 videos in one week.

Why can't they just upload a long video like say an hour and mark times of the video to where certain news clips are? Wouldn't that be a whole lot better than spamming their subscribers?

I'm serioulsy considering unsubscribing from them because their videos fill up my feed and I can't see anyone else.

Wait wait what? 10 a day?? Ain't nobody got time for dat honestly.
People who spam videos harm themselves, because their videos start getting much, much less views than their total subscriber count, I know a Let's Player who has about 7,000 subscribers, but uploads multiple videos per day, and each video only ever gets like 40 to 50 views, except for some special videos like the first episodes of new series, or announcement videos.

They put in much work, but get little return out of it, and barely anyone cares to watch any of their videos anymore.
Might be nice to have a seperate section where you can follow people that you don't want to subscribe to. For example. You like Cooking but you don't want to subscribe to every cooking channel. So You follow certain ones and it's like a timeline that lets you watch videos and make playlists from it but you subscribe to ones you really care about
Whatever makes them happy. People follow certain people because they like certain things about the channel. Some people love binges certain channels that have certain content, and some don't. It's a preference really