
New Member
Hey guys! I'm somewhat new to YouTube, and I'm looking for some tips to grow my channel, and hopefully some friends to gain too. Any tips that you guys could offer would be great, and I hope to work with you guys! Have a great day/night!
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Hey man, i would just suggest to do what you love, such as gaming,vlogs,or whatever, just find your passion and just do it.
I would begin by hanging the YT URL below your post to the actually url. Until you have a certain amount of subscribers you won't be able to change the hell to your name "PeakGaming". I clicked on it and it says your channel doesn't exist. Lost a viewer that easily. Not being rude but I see it every day. Hopefully that will help a tiny bit. It should help bring some views from this forum.

People are lazy. We have to make it easy for them to find us.
I would begin by hanging the YT URL below your post to the actually url. Until you have a certain amount of subscribers you won't be able to change the hell to your name "PeakGaming". I clicked on it and it says your channel doesn't exist. Lost a viewer that easily. Not being rude but I see it every day. Hopefully that will help a tiny bit. It should help bring some views from this forum.

People are lazy. We have to make it easy for them to find us.
So I should change my channel name, until I get the ball rolling, and then I can take a more used one. In response to hanging the url, I could not figure out how to do this, every time I insert any type of url, it flags it. Thanks so much man, you've been a big help already.
So I should change my channel name, until I get the ball rolling, and then I can take a more used one. In response to hanging the url, I could not figure out how to do this, every time I insert any type of url, it flags it. Thanks so much man, you've been a big help already.
No your channel name is fine man. My whole post was directed towards the URL issue.
my advice from my own experience as a small youtuber...

staying motivated is very important. increase your view count every month to see results to stay motivated.
continuity, upload a video at least once a week.
branded thumbnail, to catch viewers attention.
Follow trends! What I find very beneficial to my channel is when I discuss upcoming content (previous examples I have done: The Walking Dead & Star Wars) or do a reaction video. People are hungry for reviews and opinions on their favorite shows and movies.
Follow trends! What I find very beneficial to my channel is when I discuss upcoming content (previous examples I have done: The Walking Dead & Star Wars) or do a reaction video. People are hungry for reviews and opinions on their favorite shows and movies.
Alright man, Ill try that, and I agree, that is what people like. Thanks.
Be consistent with when you upload1 Stick to that schedule and upload quality content and you'll be starting off really well!
Also, work to the best of your ability! You don't need the best equipment when you just start out, so just work with what you have and learn how to use it to the best of your ability!

Good luck:bounce: