subscriber growth

  1. daniboy1991

    Strategies & Technique I Use To Hit 1000 Youtube Sub In A Weeek

    Hello YouTubers, here is a quick strategy I use to hit 1000 sub in a week, I mean legit way, monetization friendly strategy. Even though you already got over a thousand sub, you can still use this strategy so you can continue growing your channel.
  2. Mark Stise

    What is one of the best ways to increase your Subscriber base?

    What is one of the best ways to increase your Subscriber base? I'm curious if you had to list just one way to improve your channel by getting Subscribers what would it be? Now I realize there will be different methods for many many different people. But I'd like to pick your brain. So if...
  3. Pedro Nascimento

    Sudden drop in SUBSCRIBERS. Why?

    Hello to you all, I have been the past week trying to figures it out but I can't do it alone. I have a travel channel on YouTube and I have been growing slowly. I manage to get to a point of getting 3 subscribers a day on average. About 80 to 90 subscribers a day. Suddenly on September 13, 14...
  4. CorporalKilljoy

    600 Subscriber Special!!! Awesome Voice Impressions (Donald Trump, Markiplier, Morgan Freeman)

    A big thanks to everyone who has subscribed so far. Here is a little something for all my subscribers and something for anyone else who has come across my channel. Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed the video. Really helps with the channel Also Support the channel on PATREON here...
  5. avrona

    What am I Doing Wrong?

    This is my second attempt at this thread as my previous was deleted as I haven't posted anything before that. Now I posted a bit so I decided to give it another go. So I've been working on my YouTube channel for 3 and a half years now, yet I only have 117 subscribers after so long. 103 AFTER 3...
  6. _ilijakostic_

    How to grow subs and views.

    Hey guys, I am doing youtube for 2 months now and I have grown pretty fast I think. However right now I dont get new subscribers and new views. Can you help me out I really need some help. Thank you
  7. Qball

    I Just Want 100 Subscribers!

    I just want 100 subscribers, because I know that each new subscriber means alot to me, even if I receive a few at a time. You can view how many subscribers I currently have, in my tag. Thank you so much for the support and love as this helps me stay committed and motivated.
  8. UnicycleFight

    Half way to 100! I can smell that custom URL!

    I have surpassed all the goals I set to reach by Christmas and I'm starting to see significant increase in traffic and engagement! :bounce::dance::spin::running::twins::giggle:
  9. snowxvi

    Crazy Subscriber Gain in under 5 days! (100 subs)

    Hey! My name is John and I recently started my new channel from scratch not too long ago. Which we all know is the most difficult, having no help from other YouTubers and started fresh. I have had experience with YouTube beforehand (7 years ago when I first started uploading on my old channel)...
  10. Joshua Solano

    I already have 20 subscribers with almost 2000 views on my channel!

    Hi! As you've read in the thread, I've got 20 subscribers with almost 2000 views! That's mental. The amount of effort I've put in the channel is quite gruesome, but worth it. Check out my channel guys and help Maharlika grow! :) Search these terms if you have time: kickass Filipina actress who...
  11. Frankie95


    Helloooo, I just started youtube and I have like 56 subs. I made a couple of videos so far because I started like 8 days ago or so, but each of my two videos have reached a 100+ views on the first day of their uploads. I am not boasting I'm just saying that I really take the quality of my videos...
  12. Eric Bieller

    How I Got My First 100 Subscribers in Two Weeks

    Greetings YTtalk! So I just hit 100 subscribers on my channel and it’s only been two weeks! I wanted to do a quick post to share how I accomplished this, hopefully it will help the YouTubers out there with brand new channels who are struggling to hit that crucial 100 mark. Be advised, the...
  13. A & J Show

    Gaming Collab, currently at 3,000+ Subs (PC Games or PS4)

    Hello fellow forum people, looking to collab with some energetic people to get both of our channels out there. I currently have been posting videos everyday and have been doing rather well, if you guys are interested in playing any PC Games or PS4 Games lemme know in the comment section below...
  14. P

    New Channel Seeking Advice

    Hey guys! I'm somewhat new to YouTube, and I'm looking for some tips to grow my channel, and hopefully some friends to gain too. Any tips that you guys could offer would be great, and I hope to work with you guys! Have a great day/night!
  15. NikoGame

    30 subs

    30 subs, this is pretty cool. Gotta keep grinding
  16. Storm City Gaming

    Need help getting subs

    I'm a new YouTuber and I need help on how to get people to watch my videos and subscribe. Anyone have any ideas?
  17. TechSquizz

    30 Subs & 1400 views

    Just hit 30 subs the other day. Views are up to 1400 and have a consistent 100 views every 48 hours. Like I've said before when we get to 50 Subs we are having a BBQ to celebrate! Hopefully its soon the weather is perfect! 100 we are going out for a nice meal with our partners to thank them...
  18. JackTheRipoff

    30 subscribers and Nearly 200!

    I am at 30 subscribers, more than halfway to my first goal of 50. Anyway, this is some awesome progress, and so looking forward to more in the future!
  19. iVariety

    Would love a Channel Review

    Hey all! To make things short, I have been grwoing in subscribers (average around 3 a day) but my view count stays the same on most of my videos. I usually only get about 30-50 views per videos (small for my channel size). Also, I have had a video that hit 28k views and I am worried that all...