Hello Everyone!!! So I have a gaming channel on youtube called MeatyBunch and lately iv'e been wanting to connect with people more and building a kind of community. So a great way to meet new people and form a community is with collabs. If anyone has a youtube channel with some good quality content write a content or message me if your'e interested. now i'm not going to be one of those guys that say you need X amount of subs and stuff the only requirement is that you feel passionate about your work and feel that you make good quality content. After you write a comment ill check out the channels and see what your videos are like and if i think you make good videos and i enjoy it i will reach out to you and form a friendship. So link your youtube channels down below i'm excited to see what happens! And remember guys... Keep It Meaty!!!
The only game I have that you do is Minecraft on Xbox One. I f*****g hate it tho. But I can be there to just f**k around.
Hey man, I've been making vids for a while, although I haven't gotten much recognition for it. I'm up for a lot of different games so long as its fun and interesting with friends. Take a look and tell me if it's something worth playing around the idea of