Longest you've spent on one video

Around 80 hours spread over 6 weeks in the summer of 2012/13. It was a music video which I wrote, sung, acted in, lip synced and edited. I was pretty happy with the final product, but then after I had it up for about three weeks I realised how embarrassing it was and took it down.

Ah well, it was lots of fun to make.
I had a video that I spent several weeks on and off writing, shooting/animating and editing. Sadly, it doesn't get same traction my easy to produce videos have. On the flip side of the coin, I have a video that took less than an hour to make for my other channel that received literally 42x more views. The difference is that one is wholly original (and niche) work while the popular video is piggybacking off a product (a review).
Most of my videos take DAYS to edit, it's a real grind. For instance, my mariokart video took weeks to set up, a day to film, a day to cut down all the footage, and about 60 hours to edit.
My foam pit video took about 5 hours to edit.
My first video (epic roman candles) took about 100 hours to edit.
My vlogs take about 2-3 hours to edit.
I am such a rookie at editing, I am looking for an editor to help me edit so i can start filming more frequently
Longest Iv ever spent on a video is like 3 hours for exactly 3 and a half hours of gameplay. I was played, recorded and edited my entire Firewatch series all 6-7 episodes. I thought about it and after a day or two I decided to scrap it and delete everything. Longest iv ever spent editing a video and didn't even upload it :p
hmm i think its 3 days...in a total of 6 hours just for the video..but that was when i was making the first video with my current design..since then its going faster because i just have to change a few texts..but still takes about 1 hour of work per video..and like 3 hours of rendering/uploading..
These are all without making the beat..making a beat often takes between 1-5 hours
Spent more than a week making a Christmas video with my green screen. Had to be like 6 different characters, find and make effects, all while making sure while none of it was copy righted. The story has elf zombies and was really fun I should do more like that again.
I've once spent a few weeks on 1 video. Never again. I've learned & I am still learning not be a perfectionist over everything, being your own judge is a very dangerous thing on YouTube because it can result in a lot of time being wasted if you're not thinking right. Until someone says otherwise about my videos, I'm just going to happily assume right now what I do is enough or just right.