Longest you've spent on one video

Great question! The shortest video I ever made was a vlog type thing - aside from writing the outline, it took 4 hours from starting to film to having it published on YT with captions. As for the longest...aside from the one I filmed and started editing then remade entirely after a computer crash, probably my gaming videos. Especially "Why I Don't Do Let's Plays", since I actually had to make a semi-functioning game in GMS for that one!!
Well I usually don't edit much when I play games, I just cut the parts that are unnecessary, but when it's a 30 minute video and I forget if I had any mistakes I have to cut I go through the whole video to cut those parts.

I work more on the shorter videos (5-10 minutes) where I have to edit a lot of stuff. I work on them for 2-3 hours at least if I concentrate on it.
If you were to watch my 3 -5 latest videos, you'll probably see the amount of editing that's put into them
I edit at least 2 - 4 hours a day but I mainly edit only when I feel like doing so (which is bad by the way :eeks:)

But if I were to add all the hours up, it'll probably sum up to maybe 5 - 10 hours (usually depends on the length of the video ( 5 - 15 minutes))
It took over 2 years to make our Kid Superheroes video. Of course I wasn't continuously working on that one video the entire time, but I'm talking from inception--idea, scripting, location scouting, props and costumes, location shooting, greenscreen shooting, sound and theme music, editing, re-shooting, editing, etc. Could I have done it in less time if I'd really knuckled down? Certainly, but some things needed time to develop. And I still had to churn out my usual 4-7 videos per week!
Probably 50-60 hours of actual work on a machinima I did for the now-defunct EA game "Battlefield Heroes" a couple years ago. Half of that was taken up re-arranging the Battlefield Heroes theme song and writing and producing original music for the rest of the score. I was insanely particular with the music and still wasn't completely happy with it at the end. Writing the screenplay took awhile too, what with constant edits and re-edits. Then I had to learn a German accent since I was voicing both characters (there were other actors but without speaking parts). There was some crude animation done in programs I wasn't too familiar with, facial animation, and the editing was tedious, mostly because I was trying to accomplish some advanced masking (to me, anyway). Add it all up and it took at the very least 50 hours of actual work spread out over a year of procrastination. It was very well received by the community though, so that helped make it worth it. It would have been worth it either way because I loved doing it (I'm a kid at heart :-)
When I was studying film and actually scripting and putting together short films, I'd say 2 weeks worth of writing/filming and then 1 week worth of editing. That landed me with a 10 minute modern day fairy tale video, with 3 different acts.
If I have to do an edit of a basic let's play, it doesn't take me that much... around 30 min...

In case I'm working on a project with a lot of editing, the most I've spend was around 20h I think.. because I wanted to make sure everything turns out exactly how I want it :-D