Monolith Music And Games
Liking YTtalk
I had just hit 100 subscribers the other day (I'm at a whopping 107 now) and I can't helpe but ask... where should I go from here? I've been streaming a lot of video games lately, and that's been a decently big increase in views and a huge increase in subscribers and my own little community. I will say though that I'm having a bit of an identity crisis because my channel revolves around MUSIC and VIDEO GAMES (mainly Nintendo) which can be tough to do an even amount of each subject. Also, the content I produce often gets at least ONE dislike and more often than not two, but with no comments saying what I'm doing that's bad or things I can do to improve the quality of my content.
If everyone would be so awesome and check my channel out, and let me know what you think
I don't really get much feedback on my videos except for likes and dislikes so this would be a great help
THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! Don't forget to subscribe if you enjoy my content 
If everyone would be so awesome and check my channel out, and let me know what you think