I need editing/recording advice


Hi, im new here and i need help.

I just made my first video(i have 2 subscribers) after a long time of editing, but i still think it does not look great editing wise (and maybe the raw footage too) I edit in Hitfil4Express and record in Shadowplay. The video is a cs:go gaming montage, clips timed to the music.

If you do not want that i have some specific questions as well:

How does YTtalk work in the form of asking for advice and looking it up?(for now i only found this since it said 'help' in it). For example in reddit(heard this is the place to be for beginning youtubers with questions) i can search in subreddits, how does this work here?

What would be a good present in Colorbalance to make footage look Cinematic?

What are good settings in cs:go to make youre raw recordings look better?

Thanks for reading, hope this made any sense at all.
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Everyone's first video looks bad. You have to develop your own style and you have to learn your editing software. All of that comes in time. Don't worry about being perfect right off the bat because you will be disappointed. Just keep looking for ways to improve, keep learning and always ask questions.

Yes, you can search here. Use the search bar at the top right.

It all depends on the look you are going for. You can mess around with various settings to see what gives you that look.

No idea, don't play cs:go.
Everyone's first video looks bad. You have to develop your own style and you have to learn your editing software. All of that comes in time. Don't worry about being perfect right off the bat because you will be disappointed. Just keep looking for ways to improve, keep learning and always ask questions.

Yes, you can search here. Use the search bar at the top right.

It all depends on the look you are going for. You can mess around with various settings to see what gives you that look.

No idea, don't play cs:go.

Okay thanks! And with the color editing the biggest problem is every setting (for example colorbalance/brightness and contrast) influenses eachother, so to get a cinematic color (bright strong colors, blew-ish 'filmlook') you have to get every setting right to compensate for eachother and get that look. I tried doing a lot of settings but everytime i can't find a way to balance everything out, so some basic values to get a 'cinematic' look is what im searching for, in Hitfilm4Pro (the paid version) you have CINE for example, which gives you an instant basic cinamatic look.
a good present

guess present goes for preset?

you will have to do some color theory first, luckily Youtube is full on tutorials
it is boring sometimes, but colors are really exciting!
Most people are bored and use presets, luts you name it.
But as long as you edit your stuff
Color correction and Grading is something you also got to know...
guess present goes for preset?

you will have to do some color theory first, luckily Youtube is full on tutorials
it is boring sometimes, but colors are really exciting!
Most people are bored and use presets, luts you name it.
But as long as you edit your stuff
Color correction and Grading is something you also got to know...

Ye shiet:D
Ill watch some torturials but since i use Hitfilm4Express there aren't many which i could find.
But thanks anyway!
there aren't many which i could find

it is the "know how" that you have to watch, then you can work on most programs, don't forget that you might upgrade from Hitfilm in the future :)

some links
it is the "know how" that you have to watch, then you can work on most programs, don't forget that you might upgrade from Hitfilm in the future :)

some links

Thanks im going to use these!