I am a big Youtuber, Ask me anything.

Can you explane cpm and all that 80/20 splits.. can you give it a basic rundown of what it means etc
Do you like to eat duck? In other words, are you a cannibal? Because I absolutely love eating duck, though I don't do it often.
Wow you have grown quite quickly. I think i remember when you were at 600 subs or so
What is Full Ap: Yi? Also do your thumbnails effect your views a lot? If you never uploaded any League of Legend videos, do you think you'd be this popular?
Currently I earn between 25-40 dollars a day,

It took me 4 months to even reach the 25$ threshold on fullscreen.
May I inbox you on youtube? I gotta ask you somethings about tagging, and when you found your "thing" (as in that I mean like what your good at and what brought in the peoples)