How long did it take you before you.....

Literally, Literally my first comment was from a friend, straight after I uploaded my first video.,( I know ) and it read something like: 'What is this m8'. I wasn't sure how to react
Wazzzzzzup everyone =) I was just wondering how long before you start seeing comments on your videos???? cause I rarely get any comments :confused: I have videos up and am trying to upload every Monday and Friday and get a few views even a like every now and again but no comments, I guess it's a good thing cause I don't have any hate comments yet lol How long did it take you guys before you started seeing more comments on your videos Thanks =)
It kinda seems like you should try to upload a lot more then 2 times a week if time permits.
Like a couple of people have mentioned, comments are actually quite rare. It's the highest form of engagement. People are actually taking the hand off their mouse and taking the time to write a message. In internet terms, that's a big effort! So I don't think it's a case of having to wait x amount of time, it's more a case of having to wait x amount of views. Looking at my analytics, I get a comment on average for every 600 views. I get a higher average for the first week while my subs and most loyal viewers watch and comment, but overall, it works out at a comment every 600 views. It's a numbers game.
It all depends on what type of comments. I got hate immediately. I got robot comments next. I think I still await real comments.
One thing I'm seeing in this thread that Michael has pointed out is to ask questions to get people interacting in your comments section. This is a great tactic because most people will watch your videos, but they won't know what to comment on. By providing people a question, it gives them a way to be interactive and at the same time it lets you know that people are watching you and that they're not going past your channel.
One thing I'm seeing in this thread that Michael has pointed out is to ask questions to get people interacting in your comments section. This is a great tactic because most people will watch your videos, but they won't know what to comment on. By providing people a question, it gives them a way to be interactive and at the same time it lets you know that people are watching you and that they're not going past your channel.
yeah you guys are right, i will start asking question and for people's opinion in my upcoming videos
Sometimes it helps to ask a question at the end of your videos. For example if you do a pizza review, ask your viewers what they thought of the pizza when they first tried it :)
It took a while, then I had a video that really blew up in size, and that's when the hate and nasty comments started coming in xD I didn't realize why they were hating me, when it was a tutorial to help them!
Honestly kinda straight away? I don't mean many or anything but I found a group of people who were willing to watch my videos and some already made videos so it kinda worked out nicely :) You just gotta find the right people