How do you come up with your video ideas?

We re just sitting and talking, and making plans. And almost never finishing what we planned. (but shhhh noone needs to know!) xD
What do u guys do to come up with ideas? what stages do you pass through? how long? E.T.C...

For me Most of my ideas come from when i am sleeping and when im watching other vids. I Write them up in a word document and when i need ideas i just look through it and pick out the ones i need/want.

That's an absolute awesome way, for sure! For me, ideas come everywhere! Random conversations with friends, shows, commercials, today's society and mocking reality shows is always funny. I write a basic premise, add few storylines and revise, revise, revise. Collaborating with your crew, writers or actors is essential.
Ideas just come to me throughout the day. Sometimes I can think of an idea for a video on the spot and develop it further and others might take longer and need some more planning. I've always been pretty good at improvisation and I'm very creative and imaginative so coming up with ideas isn't a very big problem. Trying to show it in the video is the difficult bit

I feel the same way.
I come up with ideas when I am bored, watching TV or reading. I put them in my phone and just browse them if I am making a video. Sometimes it just pops up.
since i have a photographical memory for things not from school i always remember them. i usually come up with them as my going home from school on my bike or the bus. the journey is around 12 kilometers long so i always go daydreaming over my music comming out of my headphones. and that way i somehow get ides. now i only have to get the edit skills to make them to a video :)

Photographical Memory?!?! I wish I was you. I can barely memorize a paragraph lol.
Photographical Memory?!?! I wish I was you. I can barely memorize a paragraph lol.
well neither can i if its about boring school stuff. but i often remember intire coversations from games or movies xD
which doesnt help in any education :P
I just call up my friend I shoot with and tell him I want to make some videos. Then we just start improvising and doing random stuff to try and inspire each other. All of our videos are unscripted and just us rolling off each other. He (Arthur) always edits our videos because he has the editing talent.