How do you come up with your video ideas?

What do u guys do to come up with ideas? what stages do you pass through? how long? E.T.C...

For me Most of my ideas come from when i am sleeping and when im watching other vids. I Write them up in a word document and when i need ideas i just look through it and pick out the ones i need/want.

I tend to just have ideas come to me and I immediately open EverNote on my phone and write myself a few notes on what I want to do...

My channel being about making music, so the ideas I look for videowise, always revolve around the storytelling, and on how to best tell the creative process behind making my music, be it a cover or a composition.

Like many of you, ideas pop during sleep, a bike ride, a walk, when my brain is not too sollicited, that is when I get my ideas. I also see something, a video, or many with a gimmick, then I'll try to do it too, of course.

I have then two approaches : either I'm a good pupil and I follow the guidelines of the MOOC / short online course I followed last year with a movie school (Gobelins), about making videos with a smartphone, where the main idea is always to draw a storyboard first, before shooting video.

Or, second possibility, as soon as the music is ready, often I'm dying to release it, so I tend to mock around filming, improvising really, telling the message somehow. Then I edit it the best I can, but it's more time consuming than with the first method.

But one thing common to both these two methods is first knowing always what my initial intention is : what is the story I want to tel, this is a question I know the answer to, before I start filming anything :)

Hope that helps !
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I get my ideas by hearing catchy music and seeing how I can write a parody for the given song. I make connections between my life and the music. I usually have a staged process:

1. Come up with an idea
2. Write a script or song
3. Film the scenes
4. Edit the video, pictures, and music
5. Publish on youtube and wherever

But the ideas just come from hearing music and making connections. I try to find something that connects the original song to my thoughts. I also like writing as venue for rap and singing. It's a great emotional release.
I usually try to look for trending video ideas and if a trend I see peaks my interest, I'll make a video about it. I always know when I need to make a video about a topic when I just can't get the video idea out of my mind.

I'll be honest, sometimes I struggle with finding video ideas. I go through phases where I'm overflowing with ideas and then a month where I barely have any ideas!
I do let's plays(I know, I know that it is the most over saturated thing ever...) so I just need to find games that I would like to play and record. I don't think I ever scripted anything though; I might try it in the future.
My iDeas just come to me randomly while I’m listening to music, watching tv or YouTube and then I start writing them down along with a script to go with it.
I'm constantly making up video ideas in my head and ones I like or want to remember for the future get written down. I feel like a lot of people might get stuck on what to create when they try to stay to one type of video to fit their "brand". I'd just encourage you to think about what you like and see if you can make something related to it. Do what you want! Watching other channels definitely helps when they make content you'd be interested in making yourself.
For me it is different things that gives me ideas. Sometimes it is videos on Youtube (mostly in the same niche as my channel but not allways) and sometimes I get ideas from books I read.. And sometimes the ideas just pop up in my head and it kind of like "hey I could work with this":)