Having a major issue with one person.

"Child-friendly" YouTube-content is some cases is extremely poorly made (the people who make these videos probably spend like 5 seconds making it). That's probably way many people dislike them.
Not the videos that I was referring to. They likely take days to create because of the animation.
Unfortunately there are bullies/idiots everywhere.
If I was you I would simply block all users that leave abusive messages.
Try to ignore the dislikes. Eventually these people get bored and move on.
For the reuploads - all you can do is report them or again try to ignore.
I have had all the above a number of times.

I would echo this advice. Do what you can in the background but don't show him anything, that is what will give him the satisfaction. That is what he wants. Make him get bored so he will move on.

As the old saying goes: don't feed the trolls.
Just reported his "school shooter" comment and his threats. Hopefully YouTube does something.
I forgot about that, but good job. Both the school shooter and the SWATting are nothing to laugh at. It sucks knowing that there are kids so detached from reality or so unaware of real life consequences to fully understan what they're really saying.
1) ignore the mean comments; enable comment moderation and nobody will ever seem them but you
2) dont worry about the thumbs-down; but if you are worried about them, disable the thumbs up/down view counts
3) put a BIG watermark (lightly) over your videos so that if he steals them again, it will be obvious
4) most important - do NOT react in any way other than taking pre-emptive steps like items 1-3

Eventually the troll will get bored and will go play somewhere else.
1) ignore the mean comments; enable comment moderation and nobody will ever seem them but you
2) dont worry about the thumbs-down; but if you are worried about them, disable the thumbs up/down view counts
3) put a BIG watermark (lightly) over your videos so that if he steals them again, it will be obvious
4) most important - do NOT react in any way other than taking pre-emptive steps like items 1-3

Eventually the troll will get bored and will go play somewhere else.
What I've been doing is saving/preserving the oringal .prproj files I used to create the videos. So if he steals the video again I can prove it's mine with the oringal file.
What I've been doing is saving/preserving the oringal .prproj files I used to create the videos. So if he steals the video again I can prove it's mine with the oringal file.

yah, but what a hassle its going to be dealing with youtube..
If you just put a watermark or just outright small-text across the top of every video (until he goes away) that says "subscribe to mychannel" anything he steals would be like a free commercial for you.
I'm keeping my eyes on this guys channel. He hasn't posted since Mar 7, 2018. He just uploads stuff like "Google pixel earrape" and just random junk.
I just searched and found that channel.. I would just ignore him. He's not getting any views so he's not going to get rich from your stuff and he's not stealing potential viewers from you - he's just a troll trying to irritate you and get a response from you.
So upon reflection, i would do nothing other than turning on comment moderation and reporting his channel/videos to Youtube. He's looking for a reaction from you so don't give him the satisfaction and like i said, eventually the troll will get bored and go play somewhere else..
If you give him the reaction/attention that he craves he will just keep coming back for more.
Here's some screenshots of their comments:



That's all I can find, I think account was an alt. I remember seeing stuff along the lines of "This video is s***, just wanting the money", "f***ing *c*** go die" and "you c*** you put a virus on my computer". I think those comments got deleted.

Sidenote: I have this guy who was saying that my branding belonged to HIM, not me and that he was going to file a false DMCA if I didn't. This guy is one of "John Smith"'s minions, and of course he doesn't own it, he's trying to destroy my channel. I haven't gotten anything from YouTube about copyright so maybe he was trying to scare me into taking down my channel or the false DMCA didn't hit me.

Man I think this is super serious. Report all the accounts for violation of policy. And I also think you need to report them to the police. Life threats are criminal.

Do you have any reason to believe that the guy may know you at all?