Having a major issue with one person.

I agree with Evo. I don't worry about dislikes too much but I will delete comments like that and then block the user that leaves them. That seems to help prevent other people from leaving unconstructive nevative comments in the future.

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Ever since I joined this forum, I keep hearing that a dislike is good for a channel. Repeated over and over as if it's a fact. But where is their proof that a dislike is a good thing for a channel?

Where's the proof that likes are a good thing? or good thumbnails? or good titles? YT doesn't sort through likes and dislikes and comments. could you imagine how much time that would take? Dislikes are counted just as likes and comments are counted - as interaction and that's it.

Sorry you have an idiot posting stupid stuff on your channel. Just keep deleting comments, don't interact with him and hopefully he'll get tired of being ignored and go away.
That's horrible. I don't know where he gets off claiming your hard work as his own. Some people are just so petty and childish, or have too much free time. Who has the time to create extra accounts just to mass dislike a person's video? It's just messed up.
Looks like a vindictive troll. If the only thing he can muster is 4 dislikes,then I doubt it will impact your channel in any significant way. Just keep on churning out good content and soon his dislikes will not be noticeable.

Personally I have never been deterred by dislikes nor attracted by likes. I just get in to experience for myself regardless of what others say. And I have since learnt that even the best of videos will earn dislikes. Some just do it for the sake.
He got like 9 dislikes on my 2nd latest video. And he got 48 dislikes on my 1K video.
Here's some screenshots of their comments:



That's all I can find, I think account was an alt. I remember seeing stuff along the lines of "This video is s***, just wanting the money", "f***ing *c*** go die" and "you c*** you put a virus on my computer". I think those comments got deleted.

Sidenote: I have this guy who was saying that my branding belonged to HIM, not me and that he was going to file a false DMCA if I didn't. This guy is one of "John Smith"'s minions, and of course he doesn't own it, he's trying to destroy my channel. I haven't gotten anything from YouTube about copyright so maybe he was trying to scare me into taking down my channel or the false DMCA didn't hit me.
Do you have proof of this? If I dislike a video because it is of poor quality, or has offensive or illegal content,
how can YT consider this to be a good thing for the channel?.

If you take a look at children's songs on YouTube you'll see that the majority of the videos in the top positions have a like to dislike ratio of 2 to 1. Sometimes it's even higher than that. The dislikes are from viewers who the videos aren't even targeting, likely teenagers. These videos are ranking in an extremely competitive niche where the average top position has at least a few million views. As @Courtney Candice says, YouTube likely sees the dislikes as an interaction. Although they may prevent a potential viewer from watching the video (very unlikely), the dislikes won't affect the ranking (at least in a bad way). Some of the top videos in the children's song niche have close to 100,000 dislikes.
If you take a look at children's songs on YouTube you'll see that the majority of the videos in the top positions have a like to dislike ratio of 2 to 1. Sometimes it's even higher than that. The dislikes are from viewers who the videos aren't even targeting, likely teenagers. These videos are ranking in an extremely competitive niche where the average top position has at least a few million views. As @Courtney Candice says, YouTube likely sees the dislikes as an interaction. Although they may prevent a potential viewer from watching the video (very unlikely), the dislikes won't affect the ranking (at least in a bad way). Some of the top videos in the children's song niche have close to 100,000 dislikes.
"Child-friendly" YouTube-content is some cases is extremely poorly made (the people who make these videos probably spend like 5 seconds making it). That's probably way many people dislike them.
Just reported his "school shooter" comment and his threats. Hopefully YouTube does something.

or even the authorities.
as long as he thinks you are a 13 yrs old kid and talks and behaves in public to you this way,
either he has a problem either he is himself a kid with serious problems.
