Goodbye Annotations

I put a lot of video clips at the end of my videos and then use the spotlight annotation to make that video clip something you can click on to see that video. I've liked doing that, but it's not the end of the world.

The end cards look sharp. It would be nice if you could insert them into any part of the video you want, not just the end.
I think cards and end screens look a lot more professional. Sometimes I found annotations could look quite clumsy and dare i say it...ugly lol.
I really dig the end screen stuff. It makes is so easy to add your videos and engage your viewers. That used to be very time consuming, editing. And that is the reason why I never did it. Now? Painless. Just make sure you got something at the end of the video and boom, you're set!
I don't use annotations anymore, it's been awhile since I used annotations I prefer to use end screens and cards instead. The reason they are getting rid of annotations is because people who use mobile can't see them anyways and the majority of the people who get on YouTube use mobile instead of desktop.
So, I just got a notification that YouTube will no longer be offering annotations. What do you guys think about this and what will you be doing to replace it?
it doesnt show on platforms like tv, so i never used it, pointless if it only works on web
I think that instead of removing them they should have made them better. With end cards you are limited to what you can do. You could do more with annotations. I just wish they had put work into making them better.
RIP annotations, end screen cards are replacing them and they work better anyway, tho they are only on the last 30 seconds. And I agree with @Sinc I hope they make a new type of annotations that work all round
They were bound to be removed when they added the cards. I think they should allow you to add the end card around the videos as well but limit it to a few every certain amount of time like they use with cards so the videos wont be spam and you can promote another video any time you want