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My channel / account has the monetizing video not allowed so i was wondering how well they actually pay channel owners for the ads they display on their videos? :P Got me wondering how much i could have earned. :P Also, would you say Google pays better than other services that pay you to advertise ads? :P
On the other hand, how much does Twitter, Instagram or Facebook pay creators for contributing content?

do you mean google adsense ?!

as i know there is not a difference between adsense and MCN because i used to work with them both
for me it was always between 1$-3.5$ for USA - Canada - UK - France - Germany - Australia

i like the MCN partners just because you don't need to prove the commercial rights sometimes for a video and this happen when your channel is new
also when you link with MCN you can block your video from some countries and this is a good option for me

the good thing about adsense is that they pay you all your money , not like MCN who work with 70/30 % or 80/20 % with you[DOUBLEPOST=1465955901,1465955836][/DOUBLEPOST]
for me it was always between 1$-3.5$ for USA - Canada - UK - France - Germany - Australia
i meant 1$-3.5$ for 1000 views :)
What is MCN?

Yrah in the opening post of this thread it is Google Adsense i was wondering how much they pay video uploaders for the adverts they place. :P
What is MCN?

Yrah in the opening post of this thread it is Google Adsense i was wondering how much they pay video uploaders for the adverts they place. :p
MCN like fullscreen, bbtv...etc you can find posts about them here on the forum , they are similar to google adsense , but they pay you 70% or 60% or 80% of your youtube earnings and they take the rest , as i said you can read more about them here

for adsense , for me it pays between 1$ and 3.5$ for 1000 views , it depends of the content of channel , the source of viewers , the keywords ...etc
Short answer is not really.

Long answer is - unless your pulling hundreds of thousands of views daily your probably not going to make a huge amount.
If you start this with the intentions of being rich - you will quickly find it is no good.
If you want to create something just for the purpose of doing it and getting it out there than the money is just a bonus and over time if you are successful then it will become a bigger payout.

I also agree $1 - $3 per 1000 views seems to be the average I see quoted in most places.
My channel cant play the adsense ads because it says it stopped due to clicking my own ads. Cant ever remember doing so tho, but must have been many many years ago wen i just started out. :P

The MCN / bbtv sound a decent alternative tho, ill check on here for other threads about them and see what they are more. :P
My channel cant play the adsense ads because it says it stopped due to clicking my own ads. Cant ever remember doing so tho, but must have been many many years ago wen i just started out. :p

The MCN / bbtv sound a decent alternative tho, ill check on here for other threads about them and see what they are more. :p

Yeah a Multi Channel Network is probably a good work around for you if your channel is banned from advertising, but they still may not be able to activate it for you either.

Some MCN's require you to have a certain number of subscribers or other factors before they will consider you.

Not all are the same, some will do nothing for you while taking 20-40% of YOUR youtube earnings so do your research and ask around in the relevant thread on here for advice.
Yeah a Multi Channel Network is probably a good work around for you if your channel is banned from advertising, but they still may not be able to activate it for you either.
So if i cant use google adsense on my channel videos then that means i cant use any sort of ads at all?