Does an Intro to a vlog channel need any crazy special effects?


Engineering & art student that says funny crap!
Ok I have been thinking about making an intro for my videos for
a couple months now but I'm not sure what kind of intro I want and
I know a lot of gamers do crazy high quality special effects intros
but I just want something really simple that's similar to the intro
Jenna marbles has. What do you guys think I should do?
You don't need anything super fancy, unless that's what you want to go for. Just create (or have something created) that you like, but keep it short. There's nothing worse than those intro's that take about 30 seconds to finish, by which point, viewers may just leave the video.

Personally I prefer it when there is a short snippet of the video followed by the intro. Though, I am aware you only asked about "what kind of intro", just thought I'd throw that out there anyway :)
I'm going to have a lot of men probably call me an idiot for this but I don't watch Jenna Marbles and have absolutely know clue what her intro looks like. Personally for vlogging an over the top intro is not a necessity as demonstrated by one of my inspirations, Casey Neistat. Sometimes all you need is a good shot with some text.
I just refreshed my intro and its literally 4 clips from previous videos totally 5 seconds in total cut together with my channel logo on and some music called a 'stinger' that i got from the youtube free audio library. I think it stamps your channel and provides continuity especially considering my videos are not of one theme
I'm going to have a lot of men probably call me an idiot for this but I don't watch Jenna Marbles and have absolutely know clue what her intro looks like. Personally for vlogging an over the top intro is not a necessity as demonstrated by one of my inspirations, Casey Neistat. Sometimes all you need is a good shot with some text.

That's pretty much exactly what Jenna has and I don't know why "men" would call you an idiot. Most of her followers are girls but thank you for the advice I think that's exactly what I'm going to do
I have no clue who Jenna is. But i assume it's not my kind of content.
Lol Jenna is number one subscribed to woman YouTuber in existence she has almost 16 million subscribers and she's just a comedian. She's everyone's kind of content