Changing the Style+Upload Frequency Advice


Active Member
Hey there,
I am looking for some advice on how to change my channell's general aesthetic, I am looking for something to match my profile picture yet still capture the essence of the cover photo I have, I am perhaps thinking putting down the emblems of X politicians featured on my cover photo in white with black above and CONNCAST in magneto font (as my recently added title card has) does anybody have any MUST do advice for a title card that pops ?

Additionally I am looking for content critique, specifically how my scripted videos (such as great autists of history and the conncasts) stack up with conncast podcast and my lets play videos, and if anybody knows how to IMPROVE the quality of letsplay videos (i.e mindsets to be in, if and when to use queue cards maybe, and how expressive it would be good to be with my character), I would like to keep producing content daily but I do not want my quality to fall

Please let me know what you think of my channel in general in an objective fashion from an aesthetic and AV design point of view (and yes, I understand I have opinions, they may be a little different than yours, that is not the subject of this thread)

Thanks and I appreciate your feedback
I recommend getting a new microphone, or playing around with your current one a little, maybe get close? You are interesting though! I recommend disabling ads for now. It will scare people away and you won't make much.
I recommend getting a new microphone, or playing around with your current one a little, maybe get close? You are interesting though! I recommend disabling ads for now. It will scare people away and you won't make much.

Hey there lizee, I had a livestream for 50 subs last night and discussed the issues you brought up, I would like to ask which video(s) you have watched? For my conncast's I use a smartphone, for the podcasts I use maxell headphones and for my letsplays I use my brother's yeti microphone.

I will try to improve my general recording quality, however I will need to balance my books with IRL costs and probably get a new pc before a better mic (the netbook I am on will often die during podcasts), if you have any tips for improving quality on low end devices please let me know.

The consensus was also to disable ads on all future videos until I reach a benchmark amount (currently undetermined) do you have an opinion on when that should be?

Thank you,
Hey there lizee, I had a livestream for 50 subs last night and discussed the issues you brought up, I would like to ask which video(s) you have watched? For my conncast's I use a smartphone, for the podcasts I use maxell headphones and for my letsplays I use my brother's yeti microphone.

I will try to improve my general recording quality, however I will need to balance my books with IRL costs and probably get a new pc before a better mic (the netbook I am on will often die during podcasts), if you have any tips for improving quality on low end devices please let me know.

The consensus was also to disable ads on all future videos until I reach a benchmark amount (currently undetermined) do you have an opinion on when that should be?

Thank you,
Most people wait until they are over 1000 to enable ads. I watched your Victoria 2 gameplay. You are doing good. Since then I have watched your thoughtcast on Human Rights and the audio does need improvement, but it can wait if you are getting good feed back! I have been watching your content by the way! I don't comment much on anyone's videos, but I will try to engage more when I feel it is needed!
This is how I perceive your channel as I went to it the first time!

1. Whoa! Your Channel ART needs fixing! Not a fan of it doesn’t make any sense to me that composition.
Dr Google will help with composition! -

Same goes for your Thumbnails - I don’t like them, too me I wouldn’t click on them because they tell me I will get a junk video!
OMG I thought your videos were going to be about conspiracies of secret illumni and other cults etc. But you’re gaming!!! Oh no its like both. You need to split these too channels up I think. But I don’t know how you do this in the right way. Best to ask someone for advice.
Don’t abbreviate video titles unless its EP.2 for episode 2 etc, I saw Civ5 and never even associated it with Civilisation V. You need to spell things out in full! Short typing only restricts your SEO potential. KEYWORDS, KEYWORDS, KEYWORDS = SEO SUCCESS!!! You might not be able to form clues on what Keywords work for you yet with your Analytics. Civ5 is ok to put in the tags and string them out but maybe everyone is just using CIV5 in the title?
BTW - You’re a champion for getting to 62 Subs with the amount of views you have. So this reaffirms my stance that you are stopping people at the gate from opening the door. I think once they have opened both gate and door and then seen what you have to offer you will do a lot better, providing its content they want to watch.
Just realised your name is conncast. I don’t want to offend you but best to change that or trick your channel art out with conncast in it.
Seriously the vibe from your channel as I hover over it is it feels like one of them not so good click bait channels, hard to describe I’m sorry. You need to brand this puppy up!!!! Put your mark on it!!!
Get a logo or something. 99designs allows you to allow designers from all over the world to submit logo ideas and then you can select what you like and eventually a winner is chosen and they get the money. It’s a pretty fun process and you will come out with something unique eventually in the final round. But it’s not the only method and it cost money. Maybe Fivvr too?
Just reaffirming again – You need to make the people click on your thumbnails but before then you need to pop up in the search results for entered keywords. Once both of them are in order your content is strong enough to push quickly up the results as your view time will be better because it is decent once viewing.
Hope I wasn’t too hard but I think it’s all easy fixes. Leave the videos you have uploaded so far and just re name them better and change the thumbnails. Take the time to create some thumbnail templates that you can use over and over for each topic.