Good call trying new titles, trending games can always help. I would advise to drop Let's Play Videos ... I believe it will be really hard to grow like that and if you reach 1K subs 4K hours your commentary might not be enough to monetise your channel since it needs to give what YouTube calls "Added Value" meaning that if there're thousands of channels doing the same thing... YouTube might call your channel duplication since it's not adding nothing new.
Instead, I would recommend giving tips, tricks, secrets, Easter eggs for the games you would like to play. A good example for this is the channel Where's Barry.... he just went from 38K views December to 1,2Million views on January and from 456 subs to 8,4K subs thanks to Resident Evil 2 Remake!
This advice is only if you are planning to create a channel and you want to be part of the YPP. If you don't care about monetisation then you don't need advice... do whatever makes you happy and hope for the best!
Another advice would be asking permission to the developer of the game or look if they have a content creator program,. Believe me, not every game developer want to see their game on YouTube and if they don't like you... they can easily bring your channel down