
  1. mumblez207

    How I got my channel name

    Hey guys my little story behind my channel name is actually a name that I went by for a nickname a few years ago. Ever since freshmen year in high school when i started playing airsoft. I was given the callsign Mumblez because of me not saying anything clearly over the radio which lead to many...
  2. JackyB

    Which Username Do You Prefer

    Thanks for ur time!
  3. Kaitlyn Moore

    Should I Stop Using A Stage Name?

    So my channel name is actually is a stage name and it's not even close to my real name. But I was wondering if I should start using my real name, or is it not safe to use my actual first and middle name? I only did a stage name because I was worried about stalkers and creepy people trying to...
  4. Corey Martin

    Technology-based Username ideas?

    Hi, YTtalk. I'm new to this website but not to YouTube. I've had a few channels but none of them really took off. I want to create a new channel where I make technology-based videos involving reviews, tutorials, PC tours, and other types of videos. I've got everything I need to make the channel...
  5. M

    How do you introduce yourself in your videos?

    Hello all, I was doing a short intro for one of my videos and I wasn't sure how to start... Basically I wanted to say something like "hey guys, it's me and todays video is about whatever todays video was about.." But I wasn't sure whether to use my name or my username when introducing myself...
  6. Koda James

    Can I customize my username or did they change it?

    I use to have an old channel, but lost it a few years ago and was never told why. Anyway back then my name on there was KodaFUN. I wanted to have a unique name like that again. I was going to change my URL and it seems I can't customize my name or URL anymore like in the past. Do I have to use...
  7. LordyLords

    Thinking about changing my username...

    So it's been awhile since I made videos on YouTube. After getting copyright claims on all of my videos, I kind of lost hope and motivation in making youtube videos. But now I'm now in the mood to come back to the community. However I would like to change my username into something more Unique...
  8. Meneno Gaming

    How did you get your name?

    I've been thinking about this question for a while and been asking other small YouTubers. I would love to start up a conversation, maybe even getting some funny origins! Now let me go first: This all happened at school, I just came and I was just getting to know everybody. My soon to be friends...
  9. M

    Trying to come up with a username?

    Hey guys! So, here's my dilemma: I'm new to YouTube. Very new, actually. As you can see, I don't even have one video uploaded yet, but that will change in a few days! Anyway, as excited as I am to be posting my first vid, I'm still trying to decide on a channel name/username.. Right now, it's...
  10. Cromartie

    Too late for a name change/soft rebranding?

    Given I've been known to regret some of my big semi-permanent choices, an outside perspective might be best to make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot..again. So I've gone by MrCromartie1989 for six years now (technically an active four). It's gotten to the point of autocompleting on...
  11. Cromartie

    Am I over-worrying my custom URL choice?

    Something's been nagging the back of my head for over a year. Back when Google introduced the whole custom URL (aka /c/ link) stuff-I was ecstatic and ready to change it, as I hated the username I haphazardly chose as a teenager-and was super ready and happy to change it to something more...
  12. Caitlin Rose

    Not comfortable using my last name :/

    I'm not really comfortable using my last name on YT (which is what I've been doing.) I rather use my given name (Caitlin Rose) but there is already a popular youtuber with that name, so it's a bit of a conundrum. I am trying to think of a username but have trouble coming up with something that I...
  13. ninja-boyz

    Should I change my YT username?

    So currently my username is ninja-boyz. I feel like for some people the hyphen might throw people off and all of the Youtubers that I watch don't use any hyphens, underscores, periods, etc. If I were to change it and remove the hyphen I was thinking NinjaBoyz. What is your opinion?
  14. J

    Which of these 4 channel names sound better?

    I'm gonna make a new gaming YouTube channel and I have come down to a couple of names. I have already made a channel for all three I just need help to see which one sounds best. The words in the parenthesees is was the channel names sound like: 1. Kustrek (Koo-strek) 2.kusterex...
  15. FoldingNotes


    I was looking at the YouTube usernames, and a lot have capital letters in one word. Is there a reason why? Does it affect the SEO? Should I keep my YouTube username in one word or two words?
  16. magnamious

    Username help!

    Guys I need your help! I'm literally the most not creative person in the world and I need to my username to be unique and cool! Right now it's just ckersten23 which is BORING. Any ideas are appreciated :D