Merlina Rodas

I've Got It
Hey guys! So, here's my dilemma: I'm new to YouTube. Very new, actually. As you can see, I don't even have one video uploaded yet, but that will change in a few days!

Anyway, as excited as I am to be posting my first vid, I'm still trying to decide on a channel name/username.. Right now, it's simply my name. Since I'm a fitness trainer, I figured I'd present my videos with my name (think MichellePhan or CarlyRowena) rather than an actual user name (e.g. PewDiePie or BodyRock).

What are your opinions on this, y'all? Should I keep my name as is or should I come up with a catchy, informative and fun username?
Well, first things first. Chose a username that reflects who you are. For example, I was always called mom by my friends because I always make sure they are drinking their water, eating well and are comfortable ALL THE TIME!!!!! :tongue: This led me to telling them they had two moms and that I was the superior. :furious: This began @betterthanyourmom. However, this was taken by some un-used account already, so I figured I was probably better than your mom instead.

This one situation created a username to an instagram page that now has over 3.5k followers. The username doesn't HAVE to reflect you in every way shape and form, it really should just reflect what you want to focus on. For me, it was my silliness. For you, it would be your fitness. Personally, I would at least include your first name. Maybe FitnessMerlina or something of that sort. I'm sure you will figure it out. I wish you good luck! :)
Well, first things first. Chose a username that reflects who you are. For example, I was always called mom by my friends because I always make sure they are drinking their water, eating well and are comfortable ALL THE TIME!!!!! :tongue: This led me to telling them they had two moms and that I was the superior. :furious: This began @betterthanyourmom. However, this was taken by some un-used account already, so I figured I was probably better than your mom instead.

This one situation created a username to an instagram page that now has over 3.5k followers. The username doesn't HAVE to reflect you in every way shape and form, it really should just reflect what you want to focus on. For me, it was my silliness. For you, it would be your fitness. Personally, I would at least include your first name. Maybe FitnessMerlina or something of that sort. I'm sure you will figure it out. I wish you good luck! :)
I agree with this. Just make a username that fits who you are. Since your a fitness trainer, Id look at other peoples usernames who have the same type of channel as you.