rocket league

  1. D

    Gaming Under 16 Xbox One Collabs - Funny Moments & More!

    Looking for channels wanting to collab on the xbox one. ENGLISH!!! Games: Rocket League Black Ops 3 Rainbow Six Siege The Crew FIFA 17 (when it comes out) Requirements: 1) Under 16 2) Xbox Live Gold 3) Mic for Xbox Chat 4) Under 100 Subs (so we can grow together)
  2. RelentlessAchiever

    Gaming Looking to collaborate Rocket League PC and other games...

    Hi there. I'm Relentless Achiever or just Relentless and I am looking for 1 or 2 experienced players to play and record rocket league. I am currently ranked challenger 1 div 5. Here's why I would like team with some people, in my last game that I lost I had a total score of 860. my team mate...

    Gaming PC collaboration on steam games (igots400+subs)

    ________________________________________________________________________________________ ->ABOUT THE COLLABORATION If your interested in for collaborating with me, add my Skype and also join my discord because discord is what i'm mostly on now a days...
  4. RelentlessAchiever

    Gaming Rocket League Dubs Partner collab (PC)

    Hi there, I am currently doing a series on my channel called road to grand champion (nowhere near that good yet). It is in the doubles game mode and everytime I play I usually end up carrying but because I can't do 2v1s all the time I'm ending up in the same division and unable to progress to...
  5. TravJamHunt

    Gaming Anyone Welcome....Kinda.

    Sup guys, my name is TravJamHunt but not really. It's travis. I have 103subs and just recently finished taking a break from youtube and would like to collab with anyone on a few of my favorite games. I play CS:GO Rocket League Gauntlet Cards Against Humanity Shell Shock Live Who's Your Daddy...


    ________________________________________________________________________________________ ->ABOUT THE COLLABORATION If your interested in for collaborating with me, add my Skype and also join my discord because discord is what i'm mostly on now a days...
  7. MikesKingdom

    Gaming Calling ALL PS4 Youtubers!

    Sup my dudes and dudetts! Lets get down to brass tax here... What we all want -> Increase growth and of course have fun! (Don't sweat the small stuff!) Who I am -> Mike (obviously) but jsyk in case you care, which I dont, I used to have a 600+subs on other channel (not sure if I can show it...
  8. S

    oh my I did terrible didn't I? | ROCKET LEAGUE

    So yeah I made another Rocket League video, and I did very poorly in this one. Check it out and tell me what you think.! bump
  9. T


  10. EndoveneTV

    EndoveneTV - Multiple videos [ NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL ]

    Welcome to my Youtube channel! My name is Endovene, 25 years old and living in the Netherlands. Here I will upload my gameplay videos of various games including Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Left 4 Dead 2, Rocket League, Borderlands 2 and many more to come. I will be uploading frequently so...
  11. Doodel

    Gaming Looking For Collab

    Hey. So me and my friend are looking for someone to collab with. We will play games like GTA, Rocket League, COD BO3, Cards against humanity, FIFA 16. The only requirements is A decent mic (blue snowball or something like that) A HD capture card PS4 minimum 5 videos on your channel. Minimum 10...
  12. PrimeEmber

    Can I get any reviews?? Just started my channel

    Can some one watch my videos and give me a review?? I will give you a review too. Thanks!!
  13. olegrod

    Gaming [pc] seeking collaboration [TrackMania] [Rocket League] []

    Hi everyone! I'm a new motivated youtuber who is looking for someone to collaborate with! I'd love to do the games: Trackmania,, Rocket League and way more! Do you play any of these games and want a collaboration too? Pls hit me up! You can look me up on YouTube if you want to: My...
  14. TheScouttishGamer

    Rocket League Top Plays and Fails | Week 1 | Please rate ! :)

    Thanks for reading, if you have the time can you go check out my new video ? Please rate :) Thanks ! :)
  15. D

    Gaming _

  16. TheScouttishGamer

    Rocket League Hoops Gameplay | First Impressions - Please rate :)

    Please rate :) Thanks for the Read :)
  17. Crogamer11

    Gaming Rocket League PC colaboration

    Anyone want to play Rocket League on PC tomorrow with me? I will play it via Steam and I will make one Rocket league video because its free on Steam for weekend. I live in CET TIME ZONE! If you want to colaborate write a reply or add me on Steam. My name on Steam is Crogamer11.
  18. D

    Gaming Collab with 300+ subscribers Rocket league (PC)

    Hello people from the internet, My name is Zimon, a funny moment 14 year old youtuber, well, let's explain this... I was making Dutch videos, then I was inactive for 6 months en now I'm making English videos. I'm looking for PC gamers, who would like to do 2v2 (Same team) and 1v1 (Versus each...
  19. L

    Gaming PS4 Collabs (I'm New to YouTube)

    I'm just starting my YT Channel. I'm 17, willing to play with just about anyone around my age. I have Minecraft for PC My PS4 games consist of: CoD: Black Ops 3 NBA 2K16 NBA Live 16 Battlefield: Hardline Star Wars: Battlefront Rocket League Tom Clancy's The Division If interested: Name...
  20. C

    Gaming Looking for people to colab with!

    I just recently started on Youtube! I make videos like funny moments, gameplays, commentaries, and other stuff. I have only posted 3 videos, one of which was an introduction, but the other two are on Rainbow Six Siege. I play games like Rainbow Six Siege, CS:GO, Rocket League, and H1Z1! If you...
  21. B

    Gaming Looking for collabs/creating a gaming crew!

    hey guys, i've just started youtube and I'm looking for collabs and even starting a new gaming crew.. I have ps4, xbox one and pc. Games on ps4: gta v, fifa 16, rocket league, bf4 Games on xbox one: nhl16, gta v Games on pc: heroes of the storm, fsx se Age preferably 18+ Looking forward to...
  22. WillDP

    Geeber420! | Rocket League Shenanigans Ep. 2

    Hey guys! This is my most recent video, where I play ranked 3v3s on Rocket League with some friends. We are all very bad which makes the video so much funnier, so I hope you enjoy the video!
  23. WillDP

    Horrible Intros! | Rocket League Shenanigans Ep. 1

    Hey guys! In this video, some friends and I hop on Rocket League and play some ranked matches. We are really bad at the game which makes the video so much funnier. Hope you enjoy!
  24. J

    Gaming PC collaboration 17+

    Hi everyone, I am a new youtuber who plays on PC with my other friends, we would be interested in making more videos with other youtubers on CS:GO, rust, rocket league etc. Requirements: Age must be 17+ Must have a PC Relatively good microphone A youtube account where you make videos frequently...
  25. TheKirkyLife

    Rocket League | Champion's Road Competitive Play!

    It's time for a new journey! Off the Path To Platinum we come and onto Champion's Road we go! Check out how I did as we kick off Season 2 of competitive play! I'm back on the Champion's Road in Rocket League and it's time to see where I fit in the order of things!
  26. Justin Beast

    Gaming PC Gaming Collab!

    Hey dudes! I am looking for a group of people to start a community with and collab with to grow our channels! If you would like to join, please tell me your channel name (your link might not work) so I can check out your content! Games I can play: Rocket League Minecraft Civilization 5...
  27. TheKirkyLife


    You asked for it and here we have it! I take on Duel Mode in Rocket League featuring intense 1v1 matches!
  28. TheKirkyLife


    Fancy catching up on some TKL Rocket League? Check out how I get on with Breakout in 3v3 Unranked!
  29. TheKirkyLife


    I'm back and this time I've got backup in the form of new glasses :D It's a much more relaxing time in Rocket League so enjoy!
  30. Jknopf277

    Gaming Looking for a group of Youtube friends! (PC)

    Hey everyone, I thought id give it a shot looking for some great small youtubers that either just started or are on the same page as me. Im 14, looking for 14 - 17 year olds, but I can be lenient. I post funny moments videos, possibly lets plays in the future and I play on PC, so I cant collab...