
  1. ReasonsToLike

    Reasons To Like - Warcraft

    Hello. I recently saw the Warcraft film. I also do a series where I take things people often don't like, and try to find some reasons to like them. I noticed lots of angry internet folk that weren't crazy about the movie, so it felt like a perfect opportunity. Let me know what you think if you...
  2. Jayel_Boss

    Movie sound effects

    Now the title may get you thinking one way but its the other. I mean its all sound effects but let me try to explain it to the point of where it becomes lucid. Whenever i look up movie sound effects on google i get the same results you know window breaking sound effects, gun sound effects, just...
  3. Jaise

    Animation Need Animation Team for Movie/Series

    Hello, Over the last few months, I've been writing a screenplay adaptation of the popular and beloved game franchise, "The Legend of Zelda." So far, it's at 147 pages at the time of posting this, which translates to about two hours of the fastest delivery in film time. What I'm looking...
  4. Jake103

    GTA online *NEW* movie - HELP WANTED!

    Hi there Yttalk, as you may guess from the title, I am starting a Movie on GTA. The game has now developed to a point in which this movie can now make a whole load of sense with all the latest additions. THIS MOVIE WILL BE FILMED EXCLUSIVELY ON XB1. Gamertag : amazingaming5 (Must...
  5. P

    Check out my channel and support me?

    Hey everyone, I do movie reviews and I need some support behind my channel. Does anybody mind checking me out and considering to subscribe? as well as this, leaving some likes and comments on my videos regarding feedback would be greatly appreciated! thanks everyone. Here's one of my reviews -
  6. JUPI

    Feedback on my first first motorcycle video

    Hey guys, this is my first motorcycle video. It is a short impression of one of my first rides. Please give me feedback on what you like and what I could do better in the next video. Your help is much appreciated. JUPI
  7. TwoTakes

    Our review of Broken Arrow-the explosion filled cheese-fest movie from 1996. Please give us feedback

    Hi YT, we are Twotakes and we review films in a way that is hopefully fun and informative at the same time! Today we are looking for some feedback on our latest review of a film called Broken Arrow. Do you like the length of the video, did you find it entertaining and are there any areas we...
  8. TwoTakes

    Please give us feedback on a comedic review of a terrible movie

    We would love some feedback on our latest video- we are pretty happy with the way it turned out, however we are having difficulty growing our subscriber base- please could you let us know how we can improve our videos to make it more engaging for a potential subscriber.
  9. KaiCreative

    Short Film Actors / Actresses collab required for short special FX film/s - London Essex

    Hi YT Family! We are a two man video team called KaiCreative based in London and Essex who have an array of ideas that we want to implement for short special fx films (2-5mins long) that we want to post up on YT. You can check out our stuff on KaiCreative on YT (and also andrewmediauk for...
  10. Dice Rollen

    Top 10 Disturbing Childhood Characters

    This is a list of ten of the creepiest characters from your childhood!
  11. Sam Wolfie

    Short Film Short Film Script Writer Needed!!!!!

    I make short films and I'm asking for someone who is good at writing scripts to message me from Skype. My Skype username is mewwitch. I'm looking for a script that does not contain a lot of characters in it. I will give you credit in the credit section of the short film. Hearing for you as soon...
  12. Lloydo

    Movie Maker.....

    Hey there, Anybody have any idea how to get Movie Maker to actually work? I have it running on Win10 but I get about 30 seconds into what I'm doing and it crashes. I've uninstalled etc, updated drivers, tried to repair it and a number of other things. So would anybody know of anything at all...
  13. Dice Rollen

    Original VS Sequel-Carrie VS The Rage: Carrie 2

    Which is better? The original Carrie or the sequel The Rage: Carrie 2?
  14. FMS Gamer

    Gaming Collaboration on a GTA V movie on ps4

    Hi i am going to make a GTA V movie using rockstar editor on ps4 the script is done half way and the work is going in good progress i already i have one guy on board nedd two more people you must be al least 16 years old or should be mature enough to follow direction after the movie is done i...
  15. Dice Rollen

    Top 10 Unique Horror Movie Deaths

    This is a list of horror movie deaths that stuck with us.
  16. C

    Interactive Game Series

    Ahoy all. I have once again got an epic idea. I am gonna start a new game series in 2016 and it will be a dang special one. One where the viewer decides whats going on, at the end of each episode (which will end with a cliffhanger) the viewers can comment and tweet what they would like to see...
  17. Dice Rollen

    Top 10 Ridiculous Christmas Horror Movies

  18. Crimes Against Cinema

    10 Crunchy Carrots

    Hey guys! I'm hoping you could take a look at my short film, 10 Crunchy Carrots! It's the first in a series of films on my channel that basically revamp a few movies in a satirical light. (We watch bad movies and talk about them.) It's seven minutes long and intended to look like a VHS tape...
  19. Around The World

    10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Star Wars

  20. Crimes Against Cinema

    Crimes Against Cinema is Seeking Reviews to Ensure a Better Viewing Experience!

    Greetings Everyone! My channel, Crimes Against Cinema, is sort of fresh. I'm still working out the kinks and fine-tuning aspects of the channel everyday. What I'm looking for here, is a review of the episode on the channel entitled: Harespray. I want to know how to improve the overall feel and...
  21. Dice Rollen

    Dice Rollen's Top 10 WTF Horror Movies

    Why do these movies exist?!
  22. J

    "Matilda" (1996) Movie Review

    I review the cult children's fantasy movie "Matilda", based on the book by Roald Dahl.
  23. J

    "Little Shop of horrors" (1986) Review

    I review a horror musical comedy about a man eating plant!
  24. ursadesign

    The Venturer - An UrsaDesign Original

    Take a trip through our solar system. Remember to like and subscribe!