
  1. Chef Cotoletta


    First of all I want to apologize if it's not the correct place where to post stuff about streaming, but I guess my trouble is software-related. I ve been trying a lot with OBS studio and Streamlabs... but nothing at all.. I can't stream because the softwar don't see the images of my webcam. The...
  2. Alex Tyler


    Planning on doing a Q&A on my channel for Monday, If anyone has any questions I'm trying to answer as many as possible! Thanks so much :):up2:
  3. Elissa Jordan

    Vlog QnA Collab!

    My name is Elissa and I am a vlogger on my channel, Elissa Jordan. I want to do a collab of a bunch of people answering a QnA question. Instead of me just doing my own QnA, I want a bunch of people to answer a bunch of questions and then I edit them all together. Here are the details: 1.) I...
  4. LegendaryGamer

    QNA Questions - 50 Subscriber Special

    Hey, My name is Tom and soon I am going to be hitting 50 subscribers. I am very close and want to make a special video dedicated to my fans to get to know me some more. Therefore I need some questions (appropriate) that I could use in my QNA I will upload when I do hit 50. Please leave...
  5. Its Ryan


    Hey guys!! My name is Ryan and I make funny gaming videos on my channel and I get a lot of doubt because i want to be a youtuber. Even my parents don't believe in me. But I see this happening a lot with small youtubers. Do you guys get a lot of doubt and if so how do you cope with it?
  6. Its Ryan


    Hey guys I would like some criticism for my new video that i posted. I don't like it too much. Any types of tips will be helpful. Thanks!!!!
  7. Its Ryan

    How much time do you spend on youtube??

    sup guys I have a quick question. how much time do you guys spend on youtube? It can be watching videos or making videos. I spend like my whole day. With making videos I spend like 3-5 hours
  8. Testing Your Neurons

    Feedback on my Video Quiz on Youtube!

    I'd like some feedback on my latest video.. a quiz on YouTube. I'd like to know if you can see the text without needing to force your eyes, if the text takes too long to change or anything else I can improve! Thanks in advance!
  9. Its Ryan


    So so many people on this forum are asking this question. "What do you think I should do?" "What do you guys want to see?" "What videos should I post?" For all those people asking this question do something that YOU want to do. Not what other people want you to do. Yes you can take...
  10. Puck Mitchell

    Brainstorm GO!

    So what idea hasn't been done. With thousands of videos uploaded around the world every hour. What new idea can compete. Sure in a years time you can grow a fanbase of 1k or so. Appreciate the hard work, I was once there and now I'm starting over due to personal reasons, however, I know now how...
  11. KaelCast

    Questions about Anything!

    Yeah. Questions about Anything! I'm gonna have a Q&A segment on my podcast show called KaelCast. So feel free to ask any question. I'll answer the questions submitted and probably shout out to those people who gave them. Cheers:wavespin:
  12. Kane J Goodridge

    Doing a QnA! Please post questions! :)

    Hey! I just recently surpassed 100 subscribers (which I'm SUPER happy about!!) and I'm doing a QnA to celebrate! To ensure I get a lot of good questions, can you please post a legitimate question in this thread for me to answer on video? Thanks so much! :)
  13. Brad Parrett


    Hello! I recently just started my youtube channel and want some help on how to start it. I have a few videos but don't really know how to gain subscribers. Any advice?
  14. FraYoshi

    How do You Consider "Channels"?

    I mean.. When Goin' on a channel (with the personal name of the owner) what do You expect to find? i.e. You were watchin' a video Tutorial (that You loved) so You are goin' to that channel... How do You react if You don't find other tutorials but all another kind of videos? Do You sub on the...
  15. Majerecarn

    Need Q&A Questions!

    Okay so if you haven't yet been on my channel, then I do (or try to do) weekly Q&A videos! With so many Q&A videos to be made, I need even more questions! Normally my past videos have had averagely 4/5 questions, however, I want to make this next one a big one, with at least maybe 15/20...