Why you should NEVER do "sub for sub"

All very valid points. I'm glad you brought that up, actually. I've noticed a lot of people doing this and it almost seems like cheating. All you're doing is increasing one of your statistics (by a not-so-significant amount either) and setting yourself up for tons of notifications for videos you don't care about. It doesn't give you an accurate picture of how your channel is actually doing. After all, minutes watched are another very important part of your channel's health and if you don't have that to back up your subs, there's not much of a point.

And you're absolutely right when you say "you're not doing it for fun, are you?" The most important motivation for Youtubing is for your own enjoyment and the enjoyment of others! If you're more worried about bringing up your sub count, do you think your focus should be on fun? :eek:
I think that at the beginning, many people are tempted to sub4sub, but once you point out that it will do more harm than good, many people will cease doing it.
In fact many people don't even know that you shouldn't :O

I sub to my real life friends (and they me) because well...we're friends and watch each others content. But other than that, I will never sub4sub.

I've found networking and just uploading content to be more useful...
I agree and I would never do a Sub4Sub.
BUT, here's something to consider:

If you see a channel with 500,000 subscribers, you're going to take them more seriously off the bat (before you see their content etc) compared to a channel with 3 subscribers. A larger subscriber # is a way to get people to check out your channel - Much like a good title or thumbnail is.

Furthermore, some people say that subscriber count is a determining factor (one of many) on how videos are ranked in YouTube search as well as Google search. If this is true, having more subs (even if they never watch your vids) may help you rank your vids and get more views from searchers.

Sub4sub is pointless in the sense that the individual person subscribing to you won't view your videos, and it's also a display of "I can't get subs the REAL way", BUT it DOES have a value.
I agree that sub4sub is a poor method of gaining subscribers, but sometimes you do get subscribers who actually watch your videos if you do sub4sub within your niche... It worked for a friend of mine
I've never done sub4sub, but a friend of mine has. She got 60 subscribers in a short period of time, and she made sure to target only people in her niche when asking for sub4sub, and some of these people are active on her videos
Sub4sub is just a miserable way to make yourself look bigger and I hate seeing channels like this.

Also OP, "your" should be "you're" :)
I have to admit. I tried it, and it is useless. I have abunch of dead subs. Luckily, I'm still small so I will work harder to get attention!

*Carmella slaps me across the face*