Make content you enjoy. It'll show in the quality of your videos!
Also make sure you branch out and ask other youtubers in your field for some advice.
The ones in mine are pretty kind so it's pretty constructive stuff.
For instance, when someone who makes montages comments on my video, I ask them how I could've made my video better or if they have any advice or suggestions. :)

Of course if they're being mean spirited or you know that advice is going to have adverse effects don't take their advice... .-.

I hope someone finds this helpful.

Also, Trust me, it's gona take some time for you to get 10's of thousands of subscribers so make your videos quality and the audience who enjoys it will come. Just also make sure you enjoy pouring your energy and time into the content as well. ^.^

Good night.

Disclaimer: Most or all of this may be opinion, and may not give you the results you wanted.
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Make sure you have enough room on your recording media to capture what you want. So many times I see a video with the person saying we didn't capture this or that because we ran out of room.

If you plan on recording an hour of material, make sure your recording media has enough room to record 3 hours of material.
to make social media accounts of your brand (open instgram, twitter ect with your brand name even if you dont use it, just to catch the username, maybe in the future you will need it)
Make sure you have enough room on your recording media to capture what you want. So many times I see a video with the person saying we didn't capture this or that because we ran out of room.

If you plan on recording an hour of material, make sure your recording media has enough room to record 3 hours of material.

That's soo true :oops:

Also, I would recommend checking out whether the microphone is connected or not :)
Youtube tip: If you're a guy, change your gender to female. You'll have higher chances to become successful! ;)

And now my serious youtube tip: Go comment on new videos that relate to your content but don't exactly tell people to go check your video out just be nice and say anything. Its enough if you're being social in comments of other peoples videos that relate to your content. :smilingcute:
So you are saying just be active in the comments without saying "come check me out" that will drive some traffic your way? just trying to clarify.. thanks!
So you are saying just be active in the comments without saying "come check me out" that will drive some traffic your way? just trying to clarify.. thanks!

Yes! Just write some nice comments and interact with people. Preferably people who make similar content to you. They might check out your channel and if they like it, even subscribe. But don't even mention your channel! Or people will most likely get annoyed. Or even worse, your comment might end up in the spam filter...

If they like your comment, they may check out your channel. And if they like your channel, they might subscribe. That's all!

Youtube Tip!
Thumbnails are VERY important! Try to make them look as nice as possible. If your video has a boring thumbnail, less people will click on it. Even if it's amazing!
Yes! Just write some nice comments and interact with people. Preferably people who make similar content to you. They might check out your channel and if they like it, even subscribe. But don't even mention your channel! Or people will most likely get annoyed. Or even worse, your comment might end up in the spam filter...

If they like your comment, they may check out your channel. And if they like your channel, they might subscribe. That's all!

Youtube Tip!
Thumbnails are VERY important! Try to make them look as nice as possible. If your video has a boring thumbnail, less people will click on it. Even if it's amazing!
Definatly going to take that advice. I enjoy trying to make the thumbnails look nice I just worry about making them look to much like click bait trash.