This news sucks for me.
I don't get what's so important about subs in the first place. I see channels with thousands of subs and each of their vids has like 50 views. Someone on this thread mentioned that anyone under 1000 subs shouldn't be monetized anyway.
I only have 900 subs but my videos have 50 thousand to 600 thousand views each because A) I have legit subs and B) my channel isn't the type of channel that necessarily gets subbed. I have enough views per year to be monetized but am being kicked out because I lack 100 subs.:mad:
I wonder if once I pass the 1000 sub point, Youtube will re-monetize me or if it will be hard to get back in.:crying:
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"Totally support these new rules.There are so many low quality channels with fake views and subscribers. If you want to earn money, spend some time on creating quality stuff. I didn't plan to monetize my channel, this was created for fun and pleasure."

Really? Hundreds if not thousands of people working their channels, working their tails off, some better than others, and this is your comment?

Awesome, congrats on being that guy. Insert eyeroll emoji.
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"Is there a douche meter available for this board. He would be through the roof!
I agree that the changes are good. They are long overdue.
Way too many crap channels being created and expecting monetization.
The advertisers want an improvement in quality on what their adverts appear on. I spend a reasonable a reasonable amount on Adwords and when I look some of the channels whining about not getting monetized ... well ... roll eyes

How else do you think YT should ration the limited supply of adverts they have when the demand for them is increasing exponentially?
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So it's also hard for MCNs which are composed of few star channels and numerous micro channels. Interesting.
Hello all,

So this means that youtube is paying less and less to the small channels so they can keep the bigger ones?

I want to start my channel soon, should I be worried about this?

I'll also going to ask in this thread if youtube is "dying" because it is paying lesser and lesser and getting worst each year? (I've read this somewhere)

used to be that you needed 10,000 'views'. Was half way their almost. Then today they change the goal posts and instead now require 4,000 view 'HOURS' + 1000 subscribers"" before you can now moneytise your account !!!!?

Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 23.42.32.png

No, ad rate is the same among all monetization enabled channels regardless of the no of subs. But it's true that preferential ad inventory goes to star channels including Vevo.

YouTube is not dying. YouTube will evolve and thrive. I expect Ad rate would decrease very slowly though. But definitely not too drastically anymore.
Hello all,

So this means that youtube is paying less and less to the small channels so they can keep the bigger ones?

I want to start my channel soon, should I be worried about this?

I'll also going to ask in this thread if youtube is "dying" because it is paying lesser and lesser and getting worst each year? (I've read this somewhere)

A lot of this is coming from Poppa Google.

If you are looking to make money off your channel, yes, you should be worried. You can get money from sponserships, etc, but you will never get money from Youtube until you hit the threshold and from what I gather keep it. Even then, I was at 700 subs, getting a decent view time and getting less than 5 dollars a month.

If you are just looking to have fun with it, then no this will not affect you in anyway.

Personally, at this point I am just looking to have fun with it. I am going to stop promoting the channel, and just upload videos when I have time or am bored.

Youtube dying? No. It took a huge step back this year with the Adpocolypse, and once again will lose millions if not a billion dollars... (At least the estimated 750m reported by Forbes) but they are still the only game in town with Vidme gone and no one else to challenge them.

Come on Twitch, step up your game, you could take them down.
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A lot of this is coming from Poppa eGoogl..
Its driven by them because of the huge fall out from advertisers who do not want to pay for their adverts to appear on crap.
Think back many months when advertisers were finding their ads on terrible channels and terrible content. I am sure behind the scenes this has been a big battle for YouTube to keep them happy because of all the garbage out there. ... if those advertisers are not happy, they will leave and spend their money elsewhere and the whole system will collapse for everyone. You Tube had to act.