1080p Is It Worth It?

I never watch 1080p videos on my PC because they lag but i watch them on my phone, in my opinion there is no diffrence between 720p and 1080p as long as the videos good i will watch it.
Always try to go for the best practical quality you can get. And by practical I mean do you have the hardware to record and edit 1080p? Do you have the internet connection to upload it in a timely fashion? If yes, then it is worth it. Why? Because other people are doing it. And because 720p is the 480p of tommorow.
I never watch 1080p videos on my PC because they lag but i watch them on my phone, in my opinion there is no diffrence between 720p and 1080p as long as the videos good i will watch it.

I pretty much agree. I have my PC set to auto. However I have opted in to HTML 5 and the lag has gone away drastically. Worth checking into.
I pretty much agree. I have my PC set to auto. However I have opted in to HTML 5 and the lag has gone away drastically. Worth checking into.

I opted into it a while ago. The battery life on my MacBook has drastically increased! I get so much more out of it just by using HTML5 - I also run a tool called 'ClickToFlash', which blocks all flash content on any web page. You can display the content just by clicking on it so you can still view everything if you need to.
Using both Ive almost doubled my battery life time.

Nevertheless, getting back to topic, I always use 1080p. I now create and upload my videos in 1080p also. That way I give the viewer the option of whether to view at that resolution or not.
What the title says. Is 1080p worth the extra recording strain on your computer (when screen capturing things like games) and is it worth the extra rendering time? Is the quality really that much higher than 720p that people will actually watch on 1080p? I personally only watch videos at 720p, even if 1080p is available.

Just looking for thoughts :)

you can also capture in 720p and script it to 1080p. (quality is nearly the same, but the video size is less)

90-95% of my videos are in 1080p

i always watch videos in 1080p, if possible. but i also have an 100mbit line and a new 1000€ pc ^^
I guess it also depends on the quality of the screen/monitor the viewer is using.

That shouldn't have anything to do with it at all. Different people use different monitors and so you should always aim for the highest possible resolution so you can cater to as many people as possible.