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Nope... not here. I've enjoyed a little surge as of late. I've lost some at times tho. It is what it is. I don't mind the numbers too closely.
Some of them just stopped going to Youtube altogether. I believe being inactive long enough causes Youtube to eventually drop you, and of course, without you, that's one less subscriber on the list of all the people you subscribed to.
Just because he says they are not inactive channels or bots doesn't mean we should take his word for it.
Hmm... I don't think that's happening to me, but it seems to be happening to a lot of others. It is a possibility that some of them actually are bots and inactive channels, because otherwise why would YouTube feel the need to delete them from your channel?
Thankfully not, in fact I've had a big increase in subscribers over the last few days.

Maybe this is the new "Robin Hood" algorithm. It takes subs from the rich and redistributes them to the poor.
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This thread is from last year, 2016, so I've locked it. Google has since resolved the subscriber issue the OP mentioned in this particular thread.
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