
  1. Mark Stise

    Do you still subscribe to channels that aren't active?

    Do you still subscribe to channel are aren't active? Hello- So what do you do?? How many times have you come across a channel like it and then realize they haven't posted any videos in over 3 years. Do you still subscribe, even if you really like the videos? You can still favorite them I'm...
  2. Zeferus

    How To Fix A Dying Channel With Inactive Subscribers

    I currently have 1589 subscribers but recently my support has been going down ever since I stopped uploading videos for 4 months. But then, I came back and started making more videos but I realized my views have been going down and I don't have an audience which regularly watch my videos every...
  3. AuthorFilms Studios

    Youtube deleting subscribers?!?

    The youtuber 'NFKRZ' posted a video a couple of hours ago talking about how all youtubers are losing quite a lot of their subscribers every day at 7PM and 3AM every day. He showed this on a few peoples channels, including his own (He lost about 8000 subs in an hour) and even PewDiePie (who lost...