Would you like a YouTube Channel Review?

Yeah! Hit my channel buddy!
I just changed my artwork too so any feedback would be Ace! Check out some of the Comic-con stuff or my latest trailer for examples.
I'll check your channel out Callum!
I am more than happy to take a look at your channel to give feedback and suggest improvements for your branding and content. It's important that you ask for other creators opinions to keep improving you channel!
If you have time, take a look at my channel and let me know what you think.

I am always looking for suggestions on channel improvement :)
Yeah! Hit my channel buddy!
I just changed my artwork too so any feedback would be Ace! Check out some of the Comic-con stuff or my latest trailer for examples.
I'll check your channel out Callum!
I've just had a look at your channel and your videos are pretty funny haha! Your logo is cool and fits in well with what you are doing. All of your video thumbnails are bright and eye catching which is great! Your 'About' section is full aha! I really like how you've organised your channel and everything is great! The one improvement I can suggest is maybe shortening your Channel Trailer, as short trailers are generally more effective. But seriously it was hard to think of something to improve, I think you've branded your channel well for your niche.
I am always looking for suggestions on channel improvement :)
I really enjoyed watching some of your videos! They are fast paced a very engaging, and the music you use is well chosen. Making short videos definitely helps with audience retention and keeping viewers entertained, but maybe an extra second or two on some of your text would make it easier to read and remember. The topics for your videos are really fascinating and like I said I really enjoyed watching them. My channel is within a similar niche to yours, and has shown me a new style that I could try out in the future, so THANKYOU! haha. Your banner is colourful and provides information about your upload pattern which is great. I also like the fact that you have sorted your videos into playlists. The thing I can say is upload more! At the moment it looks like you upload once a week? Have a go at 2 a week, but the quality of your videos is more important so obviously don't sacrifice that for more content.[DOUBLEPOST=1447431322,1447430773][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm down to swap reviews ;)
266 subscribers in a month! Clearly you're getting a lot right ;) I really enjoyed your McDonalds video, and your style kept me entertained through the whole video, which is rare! I'm going to focus on improvements because I think there's a lot of good things I could say, but you'd probably already know and that's not very useful to improve. So, the first improvement I could suggest is maybe changing the style of your thumbnails. Your plain white text on top of an image looks great, but maybe changing the white to a light blue, or something brighter would help to attract more people. However, at the moment they look clear and sophisticated, so don't lose that if you decide to change your style there slightly.
Another change you could make is maybe adding just a bit more information to your channel description, maybe something about you as it is a vlogging channel and your character is very important to your videos. Also, get some more videos out! A lot of people are enjoying your content, and you're growing fast, so why not provide more? Obviously with vlogs, not everyone has an extremely interesting day all the time, so every day might be a bit excessive for now.
Hope that helps, if you have time to check me out that would be great! :)
If you could review my channel that would be amazing :) you seem quite in-depth which is good. I will check your channel out when i get home. Thanks!
I'd appreciate a review :)

In checking out your own channel, my first impressions are good. Your banner and avatar help push your alias and are easily legible. Your titles seem good and work well for hooks.

For some suggestions on improvement, I would definitely add something to your top banner to describe what it is your channel is about. I had no idea until I looked at what videos were available and assumed. Your about page could also be reflected for this as well. Give a little more about you, what you have to offer, perhaps your schedule, etc. I know you have a channel trailer, but not everyone likes to watch those, and not only that, it's not immediately obvious like when I see your top banner and can instantly read what it is you do.

As an aside, I did watch your channel trailer, but it didn't make sense to me. The majority was gaming clips, it makes me think of a gaming channel. I know you have it in the description what your channel is about, but not everyone reads that or even looks there when the video is playing.

Your thumbnails have some nice images that you're working with. Though I think your they could be a bit stronger. It's a little difficult to read the ones with smaller text. If you don't have it already, I highly recommend Gimp as an editing program. It's free, open source, and has a lot of similar features to Photoshop.

Your voice is nice, clear, and understandable. The music is a nice choice to help go along with your commentary.

I'd definitely shorten down the opening card with your username. The first 10 seconds can make/break a video, and you spend half of it on your title card. I used to do this too, mine was typically 5-7 seconds long. I had since shortened it to 4 before I ended up removing it completely. Jumping into the content first is the most important. You can always do #10 in your lists then have a short few second break for your title card before returning to the rest of the video. That way it teases the content and you still get your username out there.

I'd also highly recommend working on your keywords/tags as well. For your job interview video, you will almost certainly not rank for "Interview," it's way too broad and there is a lot of competition there already. Check out the thread: HOW TO: Get More Views by Targeting 'Long Tail'/Compound Keywords for Tags. Some great advice there :)

As a general suggestion, the YT channel VideoCreators is FANTASTIC for helping people like us figure out the ins and outs of having a YT channel.

I think you have potential though, and it's nice to see that you're active and upload often. It's been a week, but you have a nice start. Just keep working on improving and making each new video better than the last and you'll get there :)