Which subreddit for Montages???


Loving YTtalk
Hey guys, I've been thinking about making a gaming montage on my channel and I am quite active on Reddit but I just don't know where to put my montages on Reddit...
Do you guys know of any subreddits or pages to put on??
I appreciate any feedback or tips and comments....
And have a nice Halloween!!
Well if you are very active on Reddit don't you know a subreddit that has a lot of montages yourself?
Well if you are very active on Reddit don't you know a subreddit that has a lot of montages yourself?
I'm still quite unfamiliar with Reddit even though I use it a lot....to me it's a complicated website...[DOUBLEPOST=1446265965,1446265944][/DOUBLEPOST]
Or any gaming subreddits, if that's what you channel is about.
ok, thanks man!! Appreciate the help ^^ enjoy the Halloween