Whats the story behind your channel name?

A very interesting question. I like to share this story with a lot of people since my username is so out there, random, and original XD

So Takadaroba, quite the mouthful huh?
The story is a little strange and kind of embarrassing XD
When I was little, I was a big fan of many MMOs including games like Runescape, Nostale, and especially one called Flyff. My biggest struggle on these games was simply finding something to name my new characters. So, being the kid I was, I began to look around the room to find random objects to name myself after and/or change the arrangements of the letters to make something cool.

The day my name was created was the day I came across a Ticonderoga brand pencil. After some changing of letters, removing, and adding some, my name Takadaroba was made. Don't ask how I got it from the pencil because I don't remember XD
Mine is just my first and last name with Music after it - which is what I've been going by on the web for my professional music stuff for years, so I wanted a channel for it too. I have an old YouTube with an SN I use around the net that has a far more interesting story, but I don't use that channel anymore so...another story for another time XD
Well how I got my name "KoalaKingdom" was because I wanted koala in my name and something at the end. Sadly my other choices were already taken. Then KoalaKingdom happened out of no where I had kingdom. I thought it was a good idea because my channel would be a kingdom, in which Koalas can roam xD
It was 6 years ago and I was incredibly stoned with my buddy. we were fed up of the status quo in our small boring town and got to the root of why we were getting stoned in the first place - boredom. So we joked about being institutionalized by the town and going crazy, that people would do literally anything to not be bored - so that was the inspiration behind our sketch comedy series - boredom killers.

Don't do drugs kids.
"Matboks" is basically a lunch box in Norwegian, and my English channel is TinyLunchboxGamers.
So it came pretty easily to mind. :P
I came up with mines pretty simple.

Iv always loved Hip-Hop and the Old-School ways of Hip-Hop & Rap. The whole idea game warfare and stuff (in game) is sick and the way they O.G's (Original Gangsters) so I had to use O.G

The Alpha part came from just being me. I was the largest in my school when I was younger, I was fast, strong and I still am.Although iv met people in University who are equally as "macho" as me but very few people could do what I do at Uni. And I just like the word Alpha so :P
My Youtube name is TheHiddenPokemon.
In my country people at age of 14-20 pretty much party all the time. So pokemon games are seen as childish so i have to hide my passion or i will be annoyed! dont get me wrong i dont allow to bully myself but still gets annoying to listen to all the BS :D