Whats the story behind your channel name?

I rememeber in English class I learned about a type of people called ''space cadets'': a person regarded as being out of touch with reality. And I just really like both the meaning and the sound of it. ''Kei'' came from when I was a pretty big anime fan and I just liked how the name sounded. So slapped both of them together and ''cadetKei'' came to life ;D I think I originally started a blog long ago called ''cadetKei lands on Earth''.
You want something easy to remember, not a mouth full. Try to avoid numbers and anything that doesn't roll of the tongue. Something you can make a logo for is also recommended. Good luck friend!
I had a phase where I started to LOVE hello kitty because I thought she was just the cutest thing. Then my friends started to call me Key, short for Kiara (pronounced Key-air-uh) and I thought Hello Kitty and HelloKeyy sounded similar so I blended it together and just added an extra y to the end :)
i was gonna start a youtube group named vortex and my preview group name was fm. and my name was flamez given to me by my best friend after he called me a pyromaniac XD
It's my brand as a whole - I'm a photographer first, so I was Oxyte Photo for a while, then everyone around me was becoming /whatever/ media - but I didn;t want to be another media, even though I was producing more than just photography by this point. I also hate the word 'photography' as part of a brand name... so I thought why not just drop it all and just be Oxyte? It worked for Apple and other brands. It's to the point and saves characters in places like Twitter.
So, there's the boring answer... My username on things used to be Walking Oxymoron, so it was just shorter to be Oxyte, as Oxy is either too short, or already taken!
well that's easy,
I saw a cat picture wearing a cup noodle and the title said "I dream I was a king, I woke up still king" and I realize it sounded like my last name "kii" and I just added "ng" to it and yep it's "kiing"
by the way my real name is "seiya kii" :D
When we first started, the idea behind our channel was to mainly do skyrim lets play videos. I had a thing on my personal account where I was collecting as many cabbages as I could find and seeing if I could fill my entire basement in Solitude. It kinda became an inside joke and we started collecting them with our Lets Play character as well.
My name Ultar is actually from Broken Sword :).
When George is in Syria he meets up with a guy named Ultar and i tought he was awesome.
The name stuck with me and i just really like it :)